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The two stood upon the field, staring at the vast valley. 

"She didn't stay," the woman said, sorrow in her voice as she looked across at the landscape.

The male shook his head, the small silver in his hair reflecting against the sun as the color shadowed against the black.

"No, she said she still had to complete the Moon's task."

The woman shook out her long golden hair, the color catching the male's attention as he watched the sun hit it.

"I guess she's forgiven," she whispered.

He smiled at the hurt expression that filled her eyes.

He opened his arm and wrapped her in his embrace as they stood close together.

"I was worried that she wouldn't be able to do much, what with having one arm and all but she proved me wrong once again," the male sighed.

The woman laughed, "Typical."

They stood in silence until the woman spoke, saying, "I also don't think...she could bear being in the same place as where she died..."

A cloud of sorrow seemed to descend over the two as they raised their eyes, taking in the sunset that fell upon them.

"I forgot what that looked like," the male admitted.

"I suppose if we forget, she'll come back and remind us," the woman said.

The male laughed and leaned forward, kissing her forehead and causing a faint pink to be seen within the lioness's cheeks.

"It seems surreal..." the pale blue eyes looked around, taking in the extraordinary sight that they stood in, "I can't believe it, actually."

"Neither can I," the woman said, "But it is real."

She paused to trace the faint scars that outlined her neck. The male noticed her actions and frowned.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

She shook her head, "Stop saying that. It serves as a reminder to me. I just can't believe it's gone."

"There will always be darkness."

"Always red eyes," the woman said, rolling her own blue ones.

The male's face though was serious, "I still don't understand how that was done. How she managed to cure the land of the darkness by restoring my own..."

The woman though laughed, "I don't think she knows either."

They both shook their heads, miffed at the fortune that should befall upon them.

"The carriage is waiting," the woman said, turning around to eye the horse and man that stood upon the road.

"I know," the male said, sighing, "I just had to get out to believe it with my own eyes."

She smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him back to their waiting party.

Leading him away, from the field of white flowers they had been standing in. 

Sigh, refer back to chapter 6 if you are confused (im not going to just hand the awnsers over to you- come on people Maximum effort!)

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Sigh, refer back to chapter 6 if you are confused (im not going to just hand the awnsers over to you- come on people Maximum effort!)

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