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Someone was calling for me.

My eyes opened to the strange sensation I felt within my chest.

I slowly rose, looking around the dark room.

It was not like when the Moon called out to me.

This was different.

I hesitantly stepped closer to the door.


My eyes widen as I push a hand against my heart, the thrum of it increasing as the silent plea cries out for me.

It needed me.

I stare at the door, before looking back at the one that connected to the King's room.

Could I risk it?

I faintly trace the scar that stained my shoulder.

He had already done his worst to me.

I silently turn the handle.

My body instinctively goes closer to where the feeling of sorrow is.

I'm connected to it.

It's only then, when I'm halfway there- that I realize who I am going to.

I feel my pace increase, my fear rising as I turn the corner and find-


A sob leaves her as she rushes to me.



I frantically look around, knowing the dark ones would be upon us soon if we did not hurry away.

"Why are you outside?"

"I was going to see you," she whispered.

I shake my head at her foolish innocence and drag her to the nearest safe place.

The room for the reaping, where the other girls were.

I knew the King would not be stopped, but the other red eyes could not get in.

I quickly turn the corner and open the door, pushing her inside.

I stop short though when I see that it is empty.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

But a heavyweight settles within me as I look into the vast dark room.

Oceane's eyes look around also as she takes in the empty space.

"I don't know."

I look down at her in astonishment.

"Who was the last girl you saw?"

She shrinks in on herself now, her shoulders hunching inward as tears collect within her eyes, "Saint came two days ago to visit with me."

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