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I'm too numb to process everything that has happened within such a short span of time.

I avoid looking at- her. Her body.

I couldn't because I knew if I did, I would not be able to continue.


She immediately rushes to me, coming out from her hiding, behind a pillar. She had made her way there after I had moved closer to the King and Jonaus.

It was a smart move on her part.

"I don't know what the hell just happened," she pants.

"It doesn't matter, help me move him," I point to the King.

Saint looks around the throne room, her eyes fearful, "Why do you think no one has come?"

I paused at her question, fear now causing me to glance at the doors, "I...I don't know," I admit, "But one thing at a time. Help me move him."

She grabs his other arm and together we drag the unconscious King closer to Jonaus.

"How did you know?"

I can't stop the shivers that are invading my body. I try to focus on Saint and her question. 

"I only knew of the splitting of light and dark. Jonaus let me read the Sweven."


I turn to stare at the body, a faint purple color tracing within the skin, "because he was the good part."

"So let me get this straight," Saint rubs her temples in confusion, "The King was split...and Jonaus was a part of the King and....um.....they were two halves?"

"Two halves to make a whole. They had been broken because Maddox had been Moon Blessed and so that part of him- the part that the Moon had touched- was ripped away and created into Jonuas."

"So Jonaus was the Moon Blessed one?"

I open the front of the King's shirt, leaving his chest exposed, "essentially yes. But in order to have light, you must have darkness. Jonaus was falling under Maddox's control. The King was able to keep him close and manipulate that part of him- and keep an eye on the light side of his soul."

"I always thought it strange that the King of Darkness had a Moon Blessed priest," Saint noted.

I paused and looked up at the girl.

She did not get enough credit for the cleverness she possessed.

"Okay," I stand and walk towards Jonaus.

"What are we doing?" Saint eyes the dead body with suspicion.

I bend forward and softly trace the still face.

I felt sorrow.

Jonaus...had been something I found comfort in.

As I read the words of the Sweven, learning that a soul could be split and divided from dark and light- the description perfectly matching that of the King and him- I remember the sorrow I felt when I realized Jonaus's fate.

"I need his heart."

Saint gagged, letting me know it was up to me to cut it out.

Black blood soon encased my good hand, but I found the process too difficult.


"Ya, ya," she lightly pushes me aside, her features hard and determined as she cut into Jonaus.

I flinch at the sight.

"You would have made a good Queen," I whisper.

"Who says I still can't be Queen?" She said, reaching into the ribcage and tugging to pull out something.

"I'm not sure what the heart looks like," she admits.

I nod when I see it, "that's it."

She holds it away from her, "at least this will make a good story."

I sigh and turn back to the King.

"What do we do now?"

I almost want to smile at the expression Saint wears while she stands over him, holding a man's heart.

"Place it on his chest."

She does as I say and steps away, "I thought he didn't want this though?"

I nod, "I know....but....it must be done."

I sit down and place my good hand over the heart.

Saint and I sit in silence. Waiting.

"Well?" she questioned.

I look up and to my astonishment, do not see darkness anymore.

I see the Moon within the glass ceiling dome.

My child.

I can sense pride in her voice.

I feel a warmth spread in me from the sensation.

I missed her.

I missed the feeling of having her.

Is this what you wanted?

I am pleased.

Will you help me?


I bow my head, the words coming to me as the ancient language of the Moon floods from my lips.


I look up in confusion.

Something must be given. This is a powerful ritual.

I look at the black, bleeding flesh that once was my hand.

Take it.

There is no hesitation.

Saint swears, loudly and profusely as I throw my head back, my scream echoing around the throne room.

I ask of one more thing.

The Moon stops to listen.

I find my eyes turning to look at Oceane.

Guide her soul.


Peace washes over me.

Thank you.

Tears are falling from me as I hit the floor.

I feel Saint lift me, still swearing.

The curses rise in volume as we watch the sight of the King take in a startled gasped breath- and lift his head from the floor. 


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