29| FIRE

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I slept in front of the fireplace because I feared the bed.

I had a reoccurring nightmare that the King- his red eyes and cat-like smile- would slink into it one night while I had my eyes closed to the danger that approached me.

So I curled up, in the smallest ball that I could, in front of the fireplace.

It was there that I laid when the noise of screaming had me raising my head.

I was used to raised voices, but this one was different.

Seconds later, my inner door is open, and a figure is thrown in.

I watch with weary eyes as the King smiles from the doorway.

"Some company for you Little Star," he says, giving me the smallest of winks before slamming the door upon the figures face.

She screams and claws at the frame.

I sigh when I realize it's Saint.

The broken golden lioness.

The former glory stood upon a heap in front of me.

Tangled hair with streaks of red in it, a torn tight dark purple dress and bite marks everywhere.

Bruises accompanied those bites.

I watch from the shadows of the room.

She had not even noticed me.

It takes another day for her to even realize she is not alone.

The venom that Jonaus had spoken of must have left her system because, after a while, her crazed eyes return back to their blue- the black leaving it.

And they are able to take me in.


We stare at each other, cautions of one another.

"So you're still alive."

I feel a tight smile twist my lips at her words.

I don't answer her and instead, curl up into a tighter ball upon my layer of blanket and pillows.

"Don't you want to know why I'm here?"

The loss of the venom has brought back some of her former glory. She tosses back her long mane of golden hair, sighing in frustration when her hand is caught in the middle with strands of snarls and tight tangles.

She ignores her appearances and yanks her hand free from its capture.

"He threw me out."

I have half a mind to throw her out of my own door.

Instead, I sigh and put my head back down.

"What's wrong with you?"

I don't answer her.

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