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My vision is black.

I can feel my eyes are open, yet I still can see nothing.

Panic seeps into me.

I'm blind.

It's the first thought to invade me.

I'm blind.

I should never have had something that dark within me.

I could not handle it.

My body was rejecting the toxic substance of the venom.

But then I blink.

And after several more seconds, slowly, with pounding relief- light enters my hazy field of vision.

And then I wish that the darkness was there to consume me.

Because when the light returns, I'm able to take in my surroundings.

And I wish I could close my eyes to the sight.

Arms wrapped around me- a cage of flesh.

I could not move.

And suddenly the cage became tighter.

"Little Star," I try to turn at the sound of the voice, but I'm stopped by the tight, painful hold that is gripped to me.

He sounds sick. He sounds weak. He sounds tired.

Hoarse voice and shaky throat.

I too feel awful.

My head is pounding.

My whole body hurts.

It's exactly like the last time.

"You're a fool," I whisper into the dark room.

I shake with the bed as his laughter is heard.

"I'm a satisfied fool."

I try again to turn and this time, he lets me.

I use this moment of weakness to try and push away but he won't have it.

His red eyes are dull. Shadows hang under them and his face seems pale with a thin sheen of sweat to it.

I probably look no better.

I try to summon the Moon's power. But I hurt too much.

Every sense inside me screams to close my eyes and rest.

But I can't.

Not when I was in his arms.

Trapped in the cage of a monster who had devoured my flesh with no second thought- as he wore a smile the whole time.

I try again, putting my hand on his bare chest and pressing against it. Only this time something stops me.

"You have no heartbeat," I whisper.

"Are you saying I'm heartless," the King said, grinning in amusement, but I lay there stunned.

He watches me now with sharp eyes, taking in my calculating face.

"Of course I have a heart," he reaches over and grabs my hand, placing it back on his chest. My eyes widen as I feel faint beat underneath. Had it been a trick?

But the Sweven said. I needed to confirm what the Sweven said. And that had been the perfect moment to see. But now I doubted my findings. Now I doubted what my eyes had read in the pages.

"What does that look mean?"

I want to ask him the same question. His eyes are calculating, taking me in with a feral grin of amusement - but this amusement is not out of affection.

"I'm thinking," I whisper.


I glance at him and admit the truth, "Jonaus."

A spark flashes within his red eyes, "Always Jonaus. It's always about him. I'm the better one though."

He leans forward, and whispers, "Jonaus wouldn't even exist if it were not for me."

"What do you mean," I ask sharply.

He is shaking his head though, smiling and revealing in the inside knowledge that only he is privy to.

I see his eyes trail down my face and to my neck.

"I don't regret it," the King said.

I glare at him.

"You still remained silent, little star."

A small sense of triumph sparks within me.

"You might be wondering why I didn't fuck you?"

The thought had actually not crossed my mind.

"It's because," he leans in, his hot breath spilling onto me as he says, "I want you to be begging for it."

He pulls back, no doubt watching to see if his words had any effect on me.

I continue to quietly look up at him.

"Have I told you that you smell like stars? You taste like them. Like something unearthly that burns and blinds mortal men."

"And how do you know what stars taste and feel like?" I ask, anger filling inside me.

He smiles, "I'm closer to the divine than you would think, Little Star."

He groans then, pulling me into him. I'm pressed against his body, flushed tight against his skin.

Heat crawls up to me as I realize that we are both without clothing.

"I'm so tired," he whispers into my ear.

He continues to crush me into him, as his eyes close and his body falls into sleep.

I stare at him in disbelief.

I could do anything to this unguarded face.

I could take a knife, if I had one, and run a blade into that questionable heart, or even cut off his greatest prize that I felt pressing against my stomach now.

Except I couldn't move.

His arms remained like a steel trap.

I tried to summon the light.

Moon. Please.


But she never came.

And I never found sleep in the demon's arms. 


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