Tear drops

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'Olorun mi by Tiwa Savage'

Going to school didn't seem like an interesting plan to Ifeoma

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Going to school didn't seem like an interesting plan to Ifeoma. She wished she wouldn't.  But she also knew that if she decided not to go, she would get confronted by her Aunty and knowing how bad she was at telling lies, her Aunty would sniff her out in a second and she would have to spill the forbidden beans.

'Forbidden' in the sense that spilling the beans could get her killed. Standing at the bus stop, Ifeoma shuddered as she touched the spot the gun had nuzzled her just a few minutes ago.

After getting dressed for school, her uncle had sneaked into her room to threaten her with his gun. He was trying to force her to keep her mouth shut. Not trying exactly, as he had already succeeded in making her keep shut. All he had to make sure now, was she took the secret with her even to the grave.

"Ramat Park, Ramat Park." A conductor called and stopped right in front of her. She got on and moved to the last seats at the back. She closed her eyes and hoped for a less dreadful day at school. A day that no one would disturb her or ask about her red eyes. If only.

Ifeoma dropped at the street leading to her school. She turned down the street and started walking fast. She didn't care if she got late but she just didn't want any problems from her Aunty. Ifeoma got to school as the students were marching into their classes. It was already the end of assembly. She marched along with them even though her heart and soul were not in anything they did.

In first period Ifeoma stayed away from Kemi as far as she could. She took possession of an empty seat at the back of another row. All she wanted to do was just stay sad and in isolation from everyone. But one person just wouldn't let her be.

"Ifeoma." He sat on her seat but Ifeoma didn't notice him as she was deep in thoughts about all her uncle did to her. A tear slipped down her face and she quickly wiped it off. She wasn't known for being such a crybaby. She was supposed to be strong and independent and everything a woman was supposed to be.

"Ifeoma." This time his voice was more frantic and he touched her arm. Immediately Ifeoma's head snapped to him.

"Jeffery?" She asked, surprised to see him. "What? I mean how long have you been there? And what are you doing here?"

"I was here to talk to you Ify but now I see that we have more to talk about."

"What more?" Ifeoma asked bluntly.

"Ify what's going on?" He asked while Ifeoma ignored him. "Please tell me. I could help you or we could sort something out."

A bitter laugh erupted from Ifeoma. She turned to look back at Jeffery. He could help her? How did he think he was going to do that? If only her situation was that easy. But she knew if she let on that something was wrong with her and it involved her uncle, that her uncle would know somehow and she would be taken to an untimely grave with the gun he had threatened her with.

"Please Ifeoma tell me. I'll do anything for you. Just please let me know." His words broke the dam she had been holding inside of her.

"I'm sorry Jeffery. I just can't tell you. I can't tell anyone even. It's such a big secret. I promise you would have been the first person I would tell if I could." She said as teardrops rained down her face.

"I understand Ify. But please don't cry, I can't take it when you do." Jeffery said, pulling her into his arms. He leaned her head on his shoulder and patted her head. If only she would let him hold her like this forever. Then he would have achieved a big part of his life dreams.

As much as he hated to admit, her being this close to him was making his heart beat faster, his mouth was becoming more dry and he was thinking about different things that if he did could ruin the moment.

Ifeoma stayed in his arms and sobbed out her pain and sorrow. She was very glad that no one was in class to see her this way. Except Jeff. She realised suddenly that she had been crying in his shoulder and he had been whispering soothing words in her ear. She was so happy that he was here with her. What would she had done and who would she had been able to cry to that would comfort her, not press her for answers and only listen to her?

No one was the answer. Just like her Aunty would never believe what her uncle tried to do to her.

"Ify how about we go somewhere?" Jeffery asked.

"What?" Ifeoma asked untangling herself from their embrace.

Jeffery wiped a tear from her cheek. "I've never seen someone who still looks so beautiful while crying." Jeffery said while Ifeoma looked away from him, feeling embarrassed. She wondered how he was able to say everything he thought without getting embarrassed. She wished that was the case with her. She couldn't even think about something like that without getting embarrassed talk less of actually saying it out.

"Stop flattering me Jeff and just tell me what you were taking about."

"I was saying we go somewhere."

"Somewhere? What do you mean by somewhere and won't the teachers know that we skipped classes?"

"You are funny Ifeoma." He said then chuckled slightly. "I don't mean skip classes. I mean we should go out after school."

"Oh." Ifeoma said in realisation. "But my Aunty will know because she knows the time we close at school."

"Well that's where we are at an advantage."


"Well that's because we are not closing the same time we do on normal days. We are going home early to honour the day our school came into existence. That's why lunch break came so quickly today."

"I see. So that's why." Ifeoma nodded her head in agreement.

"Will you go with me? Please Ifeoma. We could call it our first date." Jeffery said while taking her hands in his.

What did a date mean? Ifeoma wondered. She hoped she remembered to ask him later.

Now she had to make a choice between two decisions; should she go home on time and face her abusive uncle? Or should she go with Jeffery who seemed to always make her happy? He was sitting right in front of her now, staring at her with pleading eyes that showed how much he wanted her to go with him.

But she couldn't do one of them. It was just too much. She had made up her mind and she had to tell him her decision. She bowed her head slightly, trying to reconsider her choice. Maybe.

"I've made a decision Jeffery." She said out loud and Jeffery looked up at her.

"So what is your decision?" He squeezed her hands.

She waited a few moments then said what was on her mind. "Let's go out Jeff."

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