The new you

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Ara by Brymo❤️

"Hello?" Joy said mournfully into the phone

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"Hello?" Joy said mournfully into the phone. It was still early morning and she was receiving a call from someone. Her early morning was about 11:46am and she having to answer a phone call made her feel like her whole day had been ruined.

"Hello. Joy please don't cut the call on me." A voice pleaded.

"Jeffery?" Joy muttered as she drew the phone away from her ear just to check the owner of the number again. "Why are you calling with a different number? Did you change your old one?" She demanded.

"No this is my friend's phone, and I'm using it because you wouldn't pick my calls or let me talk to Ifeoma. And even if you pick it up at anytime, you only do so to remind me to pay rent."

"I'm doing that to help you and Ifeoma. Do you think I enjoy asking you for money?"

"I know you don't..."

"Exactly. How do you expect Ifeoma to stay in this house if she can't pay her rent?"

"I know and I understand and I'm not complaining about that. Just please let me talk to her."

"No Jeffery."

"It's been a month Joy. I feel like I'm going crazy without her."

"If you go crazy, we will put you in psychiatric hospital. Don't worry about that."

"I'm not joking Joy. I can't stop thinking about her and I feel like very soon over-worry will kill me finish."

"Jeffery I'm not doing this to separate you guys or anything. Ifeoma understands and she knows it is for the best. Like she is the one even telling me to do this and that's because she knows that Kemi will not tolerate this nonsense."

"I don't care anymore. I'm coming over to see her."

"Don't you dare Jeffery."

"Try telling me that...when you know I actually care." He said and ended the call.

"Joy was that Jeffery?" Ifeoma asked as she stood behind her.

"Yes Ifeoma it was your goat of a boyfriend. Are you feeling okay now?" She asked, turning her body to face Ifeoma fully. While she was talking to Jeffery, she could hear Ifeoma retching and afterwards vomiting in the bathroom.

"Hmm. I feel a little bit better, but I think I might still have to go back to the bathroom."

Joy nodded her head to show that she understood all Ifeoma was saying. Ifeoma however on the other hand was telling only half of the story.

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