The end?

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Complete me by Simi.

Jeffery's mood darkened a tad more as he watched Ifeoma walk out of the house

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Jeffery's mood darkened a tad more as he watched Ifeoma walk out of the house. Right into Javier's arms. Not literally into his arms, but she was still with Javier and that was enough for Jeffery to suspect and think the worse.

Although, he had planned everything out with Javier who willingly volunteered himself to go with Ifeoma to the market, he couldn't help the pangs of jealousy that sank their claws deep into every fibre of his being, tearing him out and eating him up. He couldn't help but see Javier as strong competition.

He had to stop looking.

The window latched close quite loosely as Jeffery forced himself to stop being paranoid. It was at that moment, Jeffery realised that the window had a fault.

One of its shutters would not close no matter what he did.

It was a situation that called for worry as the window was the only one that didn't have a protector welded in. The only shard of hope was the net that covered it's frames, but even that could be cut away if someone had a knife in hand.

Before Jeffery could worry more, a cry from the room caught his attention, tearing him away from the bad window. He would deal with that later, if he could think of a plan that didn't involve using the money he didn't have.

"Jimi." Jeffery murmured as he walked into the room as quickly as he could. There he met the baby crying on his back. Jeffery wondered how he was able to roll over. He wasn't even three months yet. "How did you get here?" Jeffery asked as he scooped him into his arms. This was the first time Jeffery had ever been left alone with the baby, and he strongly felt that they should have a father and son-together time.

Watching Jeffery carry Jimi, Ifeoma would have burst into endless laughter if she was with him. Jeffery carried the baby in his arms like he was holding an egg; reverently clasping Jimi close like he was very fragile and couldn't be touched or held too hard.
His slender fingers gripped his arm which was wrapped loosely around the baby in a way that made him seem like he was almost upside down.

If it bothered Jimi, then he didn't cry about it. He seemed contented trying to eat the buttons on Jeffery's shirt, while Jeffery on the other hand tried to find a position that he could hold the baby and look normal. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't figure out what to do with his hands.

"What is this man eating?" Jeffery asked, raising Jimi up into the air. The baby to him surprisingly weighed a lot for his three month old frame. His body was robust and he looked well fed and nourished. Jeffrey repeated the question again and Jimi smiled at him as if to say that they both knew what he was 'eating' or to be exact drinking.

After struggling hard to keep his arms up while carrying Jimi, Jeffrey finally lowered him down into the cot in front of him. His arms hurt a bit and he knew it was as a result of how big his baby was.

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