Because I love You

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I love you by Psquare👌

"Jake can I please keep my bags here before I find a place to stay?"

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"Jake can I please keep my bags here before I find a place to stay?"

A thick cloud of silence enveloped them as Jake stared at Ifeoma without saying a word. His eyes just blinked rapidly like a doll's but still no words. The silence was so awkward and was becoming unbearable to Ifeoma. If anyone had dropped a pin at that time, it would have been heard clearly.

"Jake?" Ifeoma snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Oh yes." He scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed at his initial reaction.

"It's okay if you don't want me to stay." Ifeoma swallowed and said bitterly. "I'll just go now." She turned around, lugging her bags with her.

"No Ifeoma!" Jake said loudly, grabbing her wrist and pulling her backward. "We would love to have you here. I was only surprised because I didn't expect that from you. What happened Ifeoma?  Are you hurt?"

"I don't really feel like talking about it Jake." Ifeoma replied while bitting her bottom lip.

Jake nodded his head, trying hard not to ask any more questions. As much as he wanted to know the stupid person or people who did such a thing to her and how it happened, he also didn't know want her to feel pressured in anyway.

"Come in quickly." He opened the door wide. "Give me those. I'll take them in." He grabbed Ifeoma's bags before she could protest.

"I'm so sorry Jake. I feel like I'm being a big burden to you all."

"Don't say that Ifeoma, you are not a burden at all. And I mean that in every way." Jake countered as he handed her a cup of cold water. "Do you feel better now?" He asked Ifeoma who had already gulped down the contents of the cup in a second.

"Hmm hmm." She nodded her heads in reply. "How is Jeffery?" She asked, looking over at the living room where he lay from the dinning table.

"He's sleeping already. Me I just dey fear for the guy. His temperature keeps rising and the spasms haven't stopped yet. He's still shaking in his sleep even." He pointed his index finger at Jeffery who was slightly shaking.

"I trust you'll take care of him well. Won't you Jake?"

"I'll try my best." He turned away, not wanting to look her in the eye. "I was never good at taking care of anyone, not even him. It's a wonder he turned out this good as a brother. I'm the worst older brother anyone could ever have." He let out a deep sigh.

"Shhh, Jake. Don't think of it that way. Think of it that you were maturing, you were taking time to become the big brother that he deserves. So you could be good for him and yourself."

Taking in a deep breath, Jake felt a large part of the burdens on his shoulders get lifted. It was still his fault, that he knew. But at least now, he had more courage to live with his mistakes and the wisdom to make sure they never repeated themselves. "Thanks a lot Ify. That really means so much to me."

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