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4days by Kiss Daniel & Flyboy I.N.C.❤️❤️❤️❤️

"Look at me!" He grinned widely

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"Look at me!" He grinned widely. "Now smile." The camera clicked, shuttered then snapped while the bright light illuminated the rest of the room. It shined, flashed, then disappeared right in front of their eyes.

"How does it look?" Ifeoma beckoned on him as he moved towards her and handed over the phone in his hand. "What do you think?" Ifeoma asked, all teeth and gums bared in a mesmerising smile.

"I think you look as gorgeous as ever. In fact you are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen." Jeffery said sincerely as he kissed her forehead. And he was right. Ifeoma's beauty clearly stole away all the attention and she sat as the sole focus of the photo. You couldn't take your eyes off her even if you wanted to.

Her fair skin glowed visibly in the photo. Her pregnancy had really done her well, commanding more volume to all parts of her slim frame which although was hidden in her sitting position, could not be overlooked when she was standing upright. Her cheeks were plumper and  all other parts of her body followed suit with more curves. In short, she looked way more healthier and beautiful than she was before.

To add to her angelic composition, a little lad wrapped in a single wrapper completed her fully. Ifeoma was the central figure in the shot, but the baby was an extension of herself. They were fragments of each other. Neither of them could be seen without the other.

Even in reality, not only did the baby depend on the mother to survive, but it was clear that the mother depended on the baby just as much.

They were each nothing without the other.

"Oh honey, you are just teasing me." Ifeoma laughed. "Look at him, isn't his smile just adorable?" She asked. "I think he's the most beautiful thing in this picture."

"I would have agreed but I can't choose him over you." Jeffery grinned proudly. "I can't believe he's smiling already."

"Shh. Don't tell him that." Ifeoma smacked his arm lightly. "I love it that he's smiling so quickly. Do you remember that he gave us his first smile before he was even one month old?"

"Yes. We were so happy. Now our boy is gonna be three months old in a few days. Time flies by so quickly."

Ifeoma giggled as the baby wrapped his tiny hand around her finger. "It's just three months sweetheart. You don't have to act like it's been decades."

"I know babe. But I just feel like time is slipping by too fast and it's skipping by me too."

"You see that Jimi, your dad is being sentimental again." The baby smiled widely like he understood what his mother was saying.

"I'm not." Jeffery quickly countered. "I'm a very mature and not too emotional man."

Ifeoma turned her head to face him, trying to see how serious he was while he was talking. "I know." She gave him a look while nodding her head then burst into laughter with the baby giggling along with her.

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