A Different Kind of Love: Chapter One

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Sleeping comes easy for most people. Not for insomniacs, like me. I toss and turn all night. Up until my alarm goes off at 6:30.

It's Monday. Every teenager's favorite day of the week. But I have something to look forward to. Well not really me, my brother. Today he gets the letter from the college he has been wanting to go to, Harvard. My brother is a computer genius. Everyone expects me to live up to his legacy, but I'm not as smart as most think. I only act smart so I don't have to deal with idiots.

"Clarity, are you awake sweetie?" My mom calls as she knocks on my door.

"Yes, mom."

"Okay, your brother is going to drive you to school," she says peeking her head into my room. My brother always has time to drive me places because he took a year off school.

I walk over to my closet and pull out my favorite sweater and a pair of leggings. My sweater was my dad's, but after he died my mom started selling his stuff, I couldn't lose all of him, so I kept one of his sweaters. The sweater is maroon and looks really good with leggings and boots.

"Daniel?" I ask as I knock on my brother's door.

"Yes, Clarity?" He asks looking for his glasses.

"Are you almost ready?"

"Yes." He replies flatly. My brother is so sarcastic, but then again so am I. Being sarcastic doesn't really get you anywhere in life, but it does help you avoid people. People in general drive me crazy. I walk down the cramped hallway of our small home towards the kitchen where I hear the T.V. on. I don't really eat breakfast in the mornings, so all I grab is a banana. Then I start back towards my room.

I gather all my books, and shove them in my overstuffed backpack. I set them by the front door and go back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair out.

"Clarity, you are going to be late!" Daniel yells from the front door.

"Sorry." I mumble, grabbing my stuff. I shut the door and hurry to the car.

Daniel jams the key into the ignition and starts the piece of crap car that we could barely afford for him. My family is nowhere near rich. The only reason Daniel gets to attend Harvard is because of my grandparents. They paid for his college. He is the family favorite. I on the other hand, am not even close to the family favorite. I have one aunt though, her and I act almost the exact same. She is pretty much the only family member who talks to me, except my mom and brother.

"So, Clarity, how is your senior year going so far?" Daniel asks as he pulls out of our run-down neighborhood.

"Like every other year." I reply looking out the window at the trees and birds. I have been fascinated by nature ever since I was a little girl. I remember when my dad would take me to the park and we would feed the ducks. I miss him so much. He was one of the only people who understood me.

"Clarity, you can't shut people out like you do." He states, interrupting my thoughts.

"I don't shut people out!" I snap at him. This is how our morning drives go a lot of the time, constant bickering.

"Yes, you do." He argues with me, as we turn the corner into the parking lot of the school.

"Whatever." I reply grabbing my bag. He stops the car and I open the car door, stepping out into the cold November weather.

"I will see you after school. Are you going to be at the library?"

"Yes." I reply shutting the door. I start walking into the school, ducking my head as I go.

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