A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Two

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            While I was driving to the library, I kept glancing at Clarity, I don’t know why. I couldn’t help but look at her, there was just something about her. Stop, what are you talking about? You, Dallas Payne can’t possible like her. My inner voice told me. I can’t like Clarity, she is a nerd. Me, I’m the super sexy badass. Girls love being around me, all but one. Clarity. She is driving me insane. Why doesn’t she fawn over me like the other girls? Is it possible she could see right through my whole bad boy act? No, she isn’t that good.

“Dallas, you missed the library.” She states, snapping me out my thoughts.

“Oh, my bad.” I reply pulling into a parking lot to turn around. I have actually never been in a library, except for the one at school. But other than that, I have never set foot in a library. I just don’t enjoy reading.

“Do you have a library card?” Clarity asks me while we walk inside.

“Well, considering I’ve never set foot in a library, no I do not have a freaking library card, if that answers your question.” My reply is dripping with sarcasm.

“Gosh, your rude.” She says pulling out her library card.

“Sorry, princess.” I reply sarcastically.

“Still, don’t call me princess.” She states, wiping a tear away from her face.

“Why are you crying?” I ask, super confused.


“Oh, I hurt your feelings.” I have to admit what I just said was rude.

“Fine, your comment made me think about my dad.” She says stopping at a table in the middle of the library.

“Oh, what happened?”

“Nothing you would care about.” She replies pulling a book out of her bag.

“You don’t know that.” I say leaning up against the wall. “You don’t know anything about me.”

“Oh, yeah. Okay, you want to know? Well, four years ago, my dad died in a hit and run accident. He used to call me princess, so when you use it sarcastically it’s like your mocking him, so please don’t call me princess.” She says wiping away another tear. I really had no clue she would react like this, it’s almost like she is broken. I can see it in her eyes, but then it’s gone. She is back to her obnoxious, snarky, sarcastic self. Those piercing green eyes have more to tell, and I want to know more.

“I’m sorry, I had no-“ I start, but she cuts me off.

“Just drop it, forget it.” She says pulling out a chair to sit in. I walk over and pull the chair out beside her.

“So, you’re like an English prodigy or something, right?” I ask.

“No, I’m just extremely good at it.” She smirks back at me, and then I see that brokenness again in her eyes, but again the next second it’s gone.

“Oh, okay.” I reply smirking back at her.

The studying goes by rather fast, just because I’m ready to get home. Home, my broken excuse for a family. I start to say thank you to Clarity, but I thought better of it. She walks out the door faster than anyone I knew, she must really hate me, that’s going to change soon. She will fall for my charm, and my wit. I see her get into an older car with a boy who looks to be about a year older than me. The boy looks a lot like Clarity, same irresistible eyes. Irresistible eyes? What kind of cheesy, weirdo are you becoming? My inner voice drives me nuts sometimes.     Being a guy, my mind consists of three things, sports, girls, and food. So on my way home, I stop by the nearest Sonic and grab a bite to eat and a cherry Coke. My mom probably won’t be home, she is probably still at work. My mom is the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation. She isn’t home a lot of the time, so I pretty much care for myself. Cook, clean, laundry, the normal things a teenager does. But, before my dad left us I didn’t care for myself, we had maids, and a butler. But then my dad abandoned our family and my mom had to work over time to keep us off the streets. We are doing a lot better now, ever since my mom got promoted to CEO.

As I suspected, nobody is home. As, I walked up the stairs to my room, my cell phone rang.

“Hello?” I ask, not bothering to look at the caller i.d.

“Hey, man.” It was Jason, and he sounded completely intoxicated.

“Hey Jason. Do you need me to come get you from wherever you are?” I ask turning around and grabbing my keys.

“You know me so well. I’m in the alley behind the dinner on Larry Ave.” He said slurring his words.

“Okay, be there in ten minutes.” I reply opening my car door and sliding into the sleek, black leather seats. I always pick up drunk friends from random places, don’t get me wrong I have drank my fair share of booze, but I never get too intoxicated to not make it home.

I pull into the alleyway and see Jason sucking faces with some blonde girl.

“Jason, come one man.” I hate how he sees a girl as a toy. But then again I see girls as toys, but for some reason, not Clarity.

“Okay, bye Juliet.” He says waving at the blonde girl whose name was obviously Juliet.

“You probably won’t remember anything, but bye anyways!” She replies waving.

“Jason, you know the rule about puking in the car. Don’t puke in my car.” I say sternly.

“Okay, man.” He replies opening the door. I slide back into the driver’s seat and start the car. I pull out of the alleyway and drive Jason home. He stumbles out of the car and mumbles a thank you.

I drive home, and when I get there I notice my mom is home. Great. Is all I can think.

“Where in the hell were you?” My mother asks furiously.

“I had to get a very drunk Jason and drive him home.” I reply shutting the front door.

“Does that make it okay? No it doesn’t!” She yells at me.

“Mom, no reason to get mad, it’s only 8:00! Calm the hell down!” I say, raising my voice.

“Don’t get an attitude with me.” She says throwing her hands in the air. I don’t want to fight with my mom so I walk out of the room and go upstairs. I gather my clothes and hop into the shower. The warm water feels good on my back and it slowly soothes my toned muscles. Once I step out of the shower my skin gets cold and I immediately slip on my boxers and a pair of sweats. Laying in my bed I can’t stop thinking about Clarity. I soon drift off into a sleep full of dreams.

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