A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Seven

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            I just told Dallas we couldn’t be together. I felt guilty. I didn’t want to get my heart broken by him, so I pushed him away. I liked Dallas, I was falling for him. Knowing that, I felt even worse. He needed to hear that though. The truth hurts, but it needs to be said.

            The rest of the day goes by in a blur, up until tutoring Dallas. He immediately found me after school, and pulled me into an empty classroom.

            “Dallas, what are we doing in here?” I ask him. He was scaring me, he isn’t telling me what he wants to say.

            “Clarity, you need to tell me the truth. How long has Alex been hitting you?” He asks, holding my shoulders.

            “For about a year.” I breath out, suddenly feeling my knees buckle.

            “Shit.” He mumbles.

            “Dallas, what is happening?” I ask, becoming very annoyed.

            “Clarity, Alex is doing this because he likes you, he feels as though the only way to get you is to hurt you. He is also acting this way because I haven’t used drugs in a year.” Dallas says, shocking me.

            “Dallas, why is he bothering me if it’s about you?” I ask, shocked.

            “Because he thinks the only way to get to me is through you. The drugs I used where his product. He takes losing customers very seriously. I can’t explain everything right now okay?” He asks me, waiting for me to answer.

            “Okay, but what is going to happen to you?” I ask him. I still can’t believe Dallas did drugs. He is so broken, he is like me. He understands how it feels to go home to brokenness. Before I could stop myself I enveloped Dallas in a hug.

            “Dallas I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you away. I should have just told you how I felt.” I say to him as I pull away to look into his eyes.

            “It’s okay, sweetheart.” He states.

            Tutoring goes by quickly. As we leave the library my phone rings. I slide my fingers over the cool screen and hold the phone to my ear.

            “Hello?” I ask.

            “Clarity,-I’m-so-s-sorry!” Lara says in between sobs.

            “Lara! Calm down, it’s okay. I will be at your house in like ten minutes.” And with that said I hang the phone up. Not giving her a chance to respond.

            “Dallas, do you think you could drive me to Lara’s house?” I ask, a little panicked.

            “Yeah, is everything okay?” He asks slowly.

            “I don’t know! Dallas, just drive me over to her house. Please!” I pleaded with Dallas.

            “Hey, you need to calm down.” He says, grabbing my wrists.

            “Dallas! Just drive me over there. Lara only calls me crying when it’s something bad.” I say, lowering my voice so only he can hear me.

            “Okay, Clarity. Let’s go.” He states. He opens the car and I rush over to it. I slam the door shut right as Dallas says: “Don’t slam the door.”

            “What did I say about the door.” He exclaims.

            “Just drive!” I yell as he buckles his seatbelt.

            “Okay, no need to yell.” He replies, calmly.

            We drive for about ten minutes, until we pull into Lara’s driveway. Dallas unlocks the car and I run to her opened front door. She never leaves her front door opened. But when I walk in I see her sitting on her couch, crying her eyes out.

            “Lara, what happened?” I ask, running over to her.

            “I’m sorry. Clarity, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Lara says in-between sobs.

            “Lara, calm down. What are you sorry for?” I ask, crouching so I’m in front of her.

            “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Alex and me. About us dating, I know you hate him. I’m sorry.” She says taking her hands away from her face, revealing the purplish bruise on her left cheek.

            “Lara, did Alex hit you?” I exclaim.

            “Yes.” She whispers.

            I stand up and look around and notice that a few vases are knocked over. But when I look towards the door I see Dallas.

            “I’m going to kill him.” Dallas says in a low, cold tone.

            “Dallas, calm down. Just help me get Lara to her room.” I say as I walk over to him.

            “Okay.” He mumbles. We go over to Lara where she still sobs on the couch and we help her up to her room. I tell Lara I will be back in a few minutes and walk Dallas back downstairs.

            “Thank you for helping me with Lara. I really hate Alex, Lara doesn’t deserve this.” I say, opening up the door.

            “I know, he is an asshole.” Dallas states, walking out of the front door.

            “I will probably stay with Lara tonight, and probably skip school tomorrow. Is it okay if she goes to the party with us?” I ask, a little hesitant.

            “Yeah, it’s fine. I understand she needs to get her mind off of things.” Dallas says.

            “Thank you.” I reply. But before I could stop myself I wrap my arms around Dallas, enveloping him in a hug. He didn’t respond at first. But he soon wrapped his arms around my waist.

            “You bet, sweetheart.” He says, as I pull away.

            As I walk inside Lara’s house I think back to last week. If someone told me I would be going to parties with Dallas Payne, I would’ve laughed in their face. But life throws crazy things at you. All you have to do is be prepared to catch them.

            My night at Lara’s house consists of a movie marathon. The Notebook, Mean Girls, Dear John, and Titanic. All tragic love stories, except for Mean Girls. That one was just for the heck of it. As I drift off into a night full of dreams and wishes only one person is on my mind. A certain green eyed, black haired boy. Dallas.

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