A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Seventeen

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            Daniel came to get Clarity around 7:30ish.  About twenty minutes after Clarity left, the doorbell rang. I thought maybe it’s Jason or Braden with my car. But never did I expect to see Alex standing on my front porch. His dirty blonde curls swept back, his light wash jeans hung low on his hips. I could see a small plastic baggie sticking out from one of his pockets. Drugs. No doubt about it. That’s what he is probably here about.

            “Hello, Dallas.” He smirked. “May I come in?” He inquired.

            “No.” I replied. No way was I going to let this crack-job into my house. Whatever he needs to say to me he can say out on my porch.

            “Not a very good way to treat a friend. But anyways, how is Clarity? And her friend, Lara?” He smiled a sickening smile as the last word, or name might I say.

            “Why are you here?” I asked, after taking some deep breaths to calm myself down.

            “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you,” He took a breath, then sent me a sideways glance. “When you stopped a year ago. Using my product. It took a toll on my business. Jason was a customer, your girl’s brother was also a relatively new customer at the time. But then you stopped, and all my company walls came crumbling down.” He took a breath to look at me again. Then this time in his eyes, I saw the hatred he had for me.

            “One day, I caught word that there was a new seller in town. The only person who I could’ve thought of was you. But it turns out Daniel, I think his name is, and Jason have a fantastic business. Almost better than mine. That’s why I’m here. If you can’t find a way to stop their growing business, I’m going to make your pretty little girl toy, into something you won’t recognize as your girlfriend. So, figure something out or this,” Alex reached behind his back and pulled out a gun. “will be used in your girlfriends torture or possibly her death. If I feel like killing her.” He sent me a warning look, before putting his gun back in the waist band of his jeans.

            “I’m not doing that. I don’t work for you anymore. I don’t have to do that. You won’t touch Clarity or Lara, okay?” I said, curling my fingers into fists out of anger and hatred. I had to protect the girls, they couldn’t get hurt because of me.

            “You would be surprised by how much a person can change in a year.” He replied. He sent me one last look, before stalking off to his car.

            I shut my front door as fast as possible. I started panicking, I had no clue how to stop any of this. Our situation was way bigger than expected. I sent Jason, Luke, and Braden the same text:

            ‘get Clarity and Lara to my house in an hour. Hav everyone bring extra clothes.’

            I got responses from multiple people asking what happened. But all I could reply was to hurry. I frantically ran around my house, trying to find defense mechanisms. Since I can’t exactly own a gun, all I have are some baseball bats and some pocket knives. But I do that Jason carries a hand gun on him most of the time. I hope right now is most of the time.

            About thirty minutes after I have put together a few survival backpacks, the doorbell rings. When it rang, I was in the kitchen. I was jumpy. My emotions were going insane. I was worried, and scared. That normally doesn’t happen. I am hardly ever scared. But when it rang, I took off into a dead sprint to the door.

            I opened the door to find a suspicious Clarity staring at me with Lara by her side. While Luke, Braden, and Jason stand closely behind. They have backpacks hoisted up on their shoulders. I ushered them before they could ask questions.

            “You’re acting jumpy. What’s going on?” Clarity asks, from behind me.

            I turn slightly to look at her, “Uhmm, just sit in the living room with the rest of them. Stay away from the windows.” I state, grabbing my little survival kits to take with us. We have to leave. We have to take them to a secure location. I sound like a freaking cop right now.

            I walk back into the living room, only to find the guys watching some basketball. Lara and Clarity eyeing me suspiciously. Subconsciously, I turn the T.V. off and sit beside Clarity. I’m really fidgety, and my hands are shaking. My leg is bouncing up and down out of anticipation. Clarity took notice of this, she grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

            “Okay, I need to tell you guys something,” I paused, waiting for a small encouraging sign from anyone. “Alex came by a little less than an hour ago.”

            Everyone all started yelling at once, I think Jason even threw a lamp. This isn’t good. I stood up from my seat and yelled, “There is more, I wasn’t done. Sit down. Now!”

            Everyone obeyed silently. And thankfully, I could start with everyone being quiet.

            “Anyways, he knows about it Jason. He knows. He threatened me. He said if I don’t figure out a way to stop you guys, then he is going to hurt Clarity and Lara.” I finished, looking down at me and Clarity’s intertwined fingers. Her fingers immediately started shaking, her breathing started to become shallow.

            I looked away from the rest of the group to look at Clarity. I grabbed her chin gently, so I could look at her face. When I turned her chin enough to see me, I saw tears streaming down her face. But she wasn’t sobbing, she was in a daze. She looked mindlessly from me to the rest of our friends.

            “Clarity…” I trailed off, when her snapped in my direction. Eyes wide and mouth slightly open. “I’m going to protect you, okay? Don’t worry. I’m here.” I pulled her into a hug. She buried her face in my chest, and that’s when the first strangled sob left her mouth.

            After about ten minutes of the guys yelling frantically at each other, Jason came up to me.

            “He knows about the drugs?” Jason asked, fidgeting with his shirt hem. Then his hands mindlessly went to his beanie.

            “Yes.” I replied, still running my hand up and down Clarity’s back.

            “We have to leave. He knows where we are. Maybe we could go to that little cabin in the woods that Braden’s folks own.” He then went to find Braden.

            My mind went back to the beautiful girl in my arms. She pulled away from me, wiping her eyes subconsciously.

            “I’m so sorry, babe.” I whispered, looking down. “You shouldn’t be mixed up in all this.” I said, feeling guilty. But what would make me fell even guiltier is if Clarity was hurt by that asshole.

            “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this.” She stated, she got up and grabbed her backpack. “Everyone get your stuff.” She yelled, motioning for everyone to follow her lead. And that’s what they did.

            We left, we left my house at 9:00 at night and didn’t look back.

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