A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Twelve

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            I wait at the park for awhile before Dallas’s mustang pulls up. His eyes hiding behind his expensive Ray Bands. His hair styled in a messy way, might I say a sexy way. He was some eye candy right there. You are supposed to be mad at him! My inner voice yells at me. I am sick and tired of her yelling at me. You know what screw you! I yell at my inner voice. Oh my gosh, I sound like a psychopath. Dallas walks over to me, walking with pride in his step. His egotistical brain at work right there.

            “Hey, babe.” He says, pulling his sunglasses on the top of his head.

            “Dallas, I asked you to come here to explain yourself. If you aren’t going to explain. I can just leave.” I say, angrily crossing my arms.

            “I’m sorry, okay. Here goes nothing. The only reason I got mad was because I was jealous. I want you Clarity more than you would ever know, and seeing as how you knew Ryder before you met me, I was jealous that he would take one of the only things I care about away from me. And when I pushed you, that didn’t mean to happen. It was stupid and I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry, Clarity.” He says, looking down at his red Chuck Taylors. Should I forgive him? I ask my inner voice, unsure of what to do next.

            “Okay.” I say. Now I’m the one looking down at my older, blue Chuck Taylor’s.

             Dallas head snaps up to look at me. I slowly move my gaze up to him. His eyes are wide and he looks completely shocked.

            “What?” Is all he can manage to get out.

            “I over reacted, yes. I was angry at you. But that doesn’t make it right for me to ignore you.” I say, looking at his green eyes.

            “Oh thank the heavens, I didn’t know what to do. I was worried that you wouldn’t ever talk to me again, and that maybe you would start dating Ryder. But then I thought to myself, nobody can date my girl-“ but I cut him off, by crushing my lips against his. He tenses for a second, before he moves his arms around my waist, pushing me closer to him. My arms snake around his neck, and tug slightly at his thick, jet black hair.

            Our lips move together in sync, like this is nothing new to us. But in reality, Dallas’s lips fit me perfectly. Like a puzzle piece. His teeth nibble slightly on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gladly grant it, yet again. My hands trace circles on his lower back. His hands move from my waist to the waistband of my jeans. He hooks his fingers in my belt loops, tugging me towards him. Unfortunately, I’m running out of breath and I have to pull away from him.

            “I’m sorry.” I breath out.

            “Don’t be, if you didn’t pull away you would have a lack of oxygen and you could potentially die. Now we wouldn’t want that now would we?” He asks, sarcasm dripping from his deep, sexy voice.

            “I guess not.” I reply, looking at my worn out jeans.

            “I have to ask you something.” Dallas says, lifting my chin so I can look at him.

            “And what is that?” I ask, tentatively. But before I know what is happening, Dallas is on one knee.

            “Clarity, you are so freaking sarcastic and you don’t chase after me like the other girls at school. You are worth fighting for, now answer me honestly. Will you be my ever-loving girlfriend?” He asks, with hopeful eyes. I tap my chin, thinking. I already know my answer, but I just want to make him wait.

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