A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Eleven

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              I stood there. Watching. Watching as Clarity stormed out of the front door. The tears streaming down her face. She was crying because of me. It was killing me to know I just let her leave, but I also knew she needed space.

            Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ryder walk into the kitchen. His dirty blonde hair and his deep blue eyes filling with anger.

            “What did you do to her?” He exclaims. But before I knew it. I lunged at him, punching his nose. I heard a cracking noise, probably his nose and my knuckles. But I didn’t care, I punched him again. And again. His fist collided with my cheek. But before we did anything else to each other, Luke and Jason were prying us apart. Braden was holding Ryder, while Luke and Jason were yelling at the both of us.

            “What the hell?” Ryder yelled at me. Blood running down his expensive Hollister T-shirt, while his hat lay untouched on the floor.

            “What the hell?” I mimicked, in my best gay voice.

            “You little shit!” He yells at me, lunging. But Braden shoves him up against the wall, once again.

            “Does Clarity know you use profanities?” I ask, fake pouting.

            “Shut up, man.” Luke says, looking at me.

            “Are siding with him?” I ask, pulling my arm from his grip.

            “I might be, you had no reason to get upset, Dallas.” He replies. I thought Luke was with me. I guess not.

            “Whatever, I’m going to find Clarity.” I mumble, fishing my car keys out of my pocket.

            I hear people saying my name as I walk out the door, but I don’t turn around. I just keep walking. Not caring. I guess I thought Clarity would come back, but she didn’t. I feel like I should apologize. But, the one thing I am worried about is my, reputation. Reputation my ass. All you do is act tough, so you feel like nothing can hurt you. Wake. Freaking. Up. You are human, you will get hurt! My inner voice yells at me. Maybe I do act like a badass because I’m afraid of pain. The badass afraid of pain. Wow, you are turning into a girl. I think to myself.

            I drive for about thirty minutes, before I see Clarity. Her red hair a mess, and her cheeks stained with tears. The sight of her like this, makes me feel horrible. I roll the window down and drive beside her.

            “Clarity.” I say.

            No answer.

            “Clarity.” I say again.

            Still no answer.

            “Clarity, look at me.” I say, stopping the car and getting out.

            “What do you freaking want?” She yells.

            “You look like you got hit by a bus.” I reply, looking her up and down.

            “No thanks to you.” She mumbles.

            “You can’t stay mad at me for this long Clarity, and you know it.” I say.

            “Just leave me alone.” She states, walking away from me.

            “Clarity, get in the car.” I say, grabbing her arm.

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