A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Thirteen

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        “How do you feel about a race?” I ask, as I turn in my seat to look at Clarity.

            “Aren’t you going to one tomorrow?” She asks, in confusion.

            “Yeah, but I thought we could do some practice tonight. Speaking of tomorrow’s race, do you want to go with me?” I ask, nervous. When does Dallas get nervous? My inner voice smirks. Can he ever freaking shut up. I wait in anticipation for Clarity’s answer.

            “Well, I guess I could go to a race with you tonight, and tomorrow.” She replies, smirking. I smile at her answer.

            The race was downtown tonight. On I believe Winderfield Ave. Anyone who is anyone is going to be there. This is one of the higher-end races. It was invite only.

            We pull onto Winderfield and Clarity looks in awe at all the cars parked in parking spaces unknown. I drive past a couple of rows of cars and finally see Jason and Braden, talking to a group of slutty girls. They have saved me an exclusive parking space next to Jason’s Red Chevy Camaro. I open the door and jog over to Clarity’s door to open up for her.

            “Stick with me or the guys okay?” I whisper in her ear. She immediately stiffens and nods in response. I wrap my arm around Clarity’s waist and we walk towards the guys.

            “Hey, man.” Jason says, giving me a high-five.

            “Hey.” I reply, pulling Clarity close to me.

            “I see you grew a pair and asked her out.” Braden says from beside Jason.

            “Yeah, he did.” Clarity speaks up before I could. I smile at her boldness. She normally isn’t this outgoing. She is normally shy and reserved. I wonder if I have anything to do with her acting like this, but whatever is effecting her. I like this side of her.

            “Anyways, who is racing first me or Jason?” I ask, taking the beer from Jason’s hand. He should not be drinking considering he is about to drive extremely fast. Braden doesn’t race, he is more of a mechanic. He likes racing he just doesn’t want to race, he would rather modify our cars. He is actually the one who helped me modify my Mustang when I got it.

            “I think you are racing at 9:00, and Jason is at 10:00.” Braden says, looking at a schedule on his phone.

            “Alright.” I look down at Clarity. Leaning down, I whisper in her ear. “Can you go grab a drink for us please?” I ask.

            “Yeah.” She replies, walking off in the other direction.

            Once she is gone I turn to the guys. “Make sure she doesn’t get hurt here, okay? Keep an eye on her. I know some guys will be all over her. One in particular.” I reply, nodding in the direction of a tall boy with dirty blonde hair. Alex.

            “Don’t worry man we will watch over her. We won’t leave her side while you’re racing okay?” Braden reassures me, while he readjusts his grey Neff beanie.

            “Thanks guys.” I reply, seeing Clarity walking towards us with two red solo cups in her hands. She hands me one filled with I can only think be soda, considering I am racing in less than an hour. Her cup is filled with what smells like, alcohol?

            “Clarity, what are you drinking?” I exclaim.

            “Umm, would you believe Dr. Pepper?” She asks, hesitating.

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