A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Ten

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                I wake up to the sun shining through my blinds. I try to sit up, but a pair of strong, muscular arms hold me in place. I look up to see a boy with jet black hair sleeping. But then I remember what happened last night, the party, the race, and the car ride home. Dallas slept in your bed! My inner voice squeals. I look back up at Dallas and notice him smiling in his sleep.

            I remove his arms from around me, trying not wake him. I slip down the hallway, towards the middle of my house, to see Daniel siting in the kitchen and Lara siting on the couch watching T.V.

            “Good morning, Clarity.” Daniel smiles. He forgot about yesterday’s incident. The one where I walked into his bedroom to find him smoking pot. Fantastic. Another obstacle in my crumbling life.

            “I’m not talking to you.” I say, grabbing two granola bars and two bottles of water.

            “Is this about yesterday?” He asks, confused.

            “What do you think?” I counter back. With that being said, I walk back into the living room, to talk to Lara.

            “Hey.” She says, groggily.

            “Do you remember anything from last night?” I ask.

            “Nope. I think I drank a lot though, because I remember waking up in Dallas’s car, but after that I don’t remember anything.” She says, not taking her eyes off of the T.V. “But I do have a massive headache.” She continues.

            I walk into the kitchen and head to the pantry, where we keep medicine. I grab the Advil and another bottle of water.

            “Here.” And I hand Lara the pills and the water. She gulps them down and looks back to the T.V. I take this opportunity to go back to my room.

            I open the door quietly, so I don’t wake Dallas up. But he is already sitting up in the bed.

            “Morning.” I say, as I plop down beside him.

            “Morning.” He mumbles. I hand him the granola bar and the water and he immediately perks up. Obviously Dallas isn’t a morning person, which doesn’t surprise me. Me, on the other hand, I am a morning person. I love waking up to the sound of the birds and the sunlight. But, I can imagine what it would feel like waking up all the time to a massive headache, which is what Dallas normally wakes up to.

            “So what do you want to do today?” I ask. He looks at me and grins.

            “You.” He states. I slap his arm as I feel my face heat up.

            “Dallas!” I exclaim.

            “I’m sorry, I just had to.” He says, laughing.

            “That is the second suggestive joke you have made in the past twenty-four hours!” I can’t believe Dallas said that, well actually I can. Dallas was, after all, an eighteen year old boy. Their minds work in mysterious ways. Ways that I won’t ever understand, and I probably don’t want to understand. “So, where are we going for your date tonight?” I ask.

            “It’s a surprise, Clarity.” Dallas whispers in my ear. When he says my name it sends shivers down my spine.

            “I hate surprises.” I mumble.

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