A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Eighteen

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            We drove to get my brother in the dead of night. After we picked him up, we went over to Braden’s garage to get Dallas’s mustang. Dallas told me and Lara to ride with him, so that’s what we did. We drove in comfortable silence for what seemed like forever. When I looked in the backseat, Lara was curled up. Fast asleep.

            “Clarity?” Dallas asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

            “Yeah?” I replied, looking back out the window at the night sky.

            “Why don’t you just brake up with me? It would be so much easier for you.” He stated, glancing at me.

            “I’m not going to do that. I’m staying no matter how much you want me to leave, I won’t.” I replied, bewildered he would even say something that stupid. I know I should just get out of this mess while I had the chance. But I just can’t.

            “You amaze me.” He finally replied, I could hear the smile in his voice.

            “I’m fascinating.” I replied, flatly.

            We continued in this comfortable silence for about another hour. We were in a very remote part of Florida. A place I have never been before.

            We pulled into a driveway in the middle of the woods. Only to pull up to a small wood cabin, camouflaged by the surrounding trees. Freaking middle of nowhere. With my brother and boyfriend. Not what I would call the perfect vacation. Oh wait, it’s not a vacation. I’m running from a psycho who wants me dead.

            I grab my bag out of the trunk of Dallas’s car, and start for the door. Only to stop when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull out the small hunk of metal and look at the screen. Ryder:

            ‘where r u? we are worried…’

            ‘don’t worry about me, im fine.’

            After I send the text, I shut my phone off. People need to stop worrying. I’m perfectly fine. I feel a presence behind me. Jason stands behind me with a defeated look on his face. It hadn’t occurred to me until now. Dallas’s words echo through my mind.

            “Anyways, he knows about it Jason…”

            What exactly does Alex know? What are the guys hiding from me? But I’m sure as hell about to find out.

            “Clarity, I need to tell you something.” He stops to look at me.

            “Yeah, explain. What was Dallas talking about when he said, ‘he knows’? What does Alex know?” I exclaim, raising my voice.

            Jason looks taken aback for a few seconds. But then recovers. “I’m selling drugs with your brother.” He stated, looking down.

            “What?!” I scream. “Daniel!” I exclaim, walking over to where he stands by the car. His hair messy, his sweater crooked. He looked shocked at my sudden outrage, my brother a drug dealer? Impossible. Or was it?

            He walked two steps towards me, until he was standing in front of me.

            “Let me exp-“ but I cut him off, when my fist connected with his nose. His hands flew up to feel his bleeding nose, and he looked at me with a shocked expression “What the hell?!” He exclaimed.

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