A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Nine

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            Clarity was right, I could’ve died. But I didn’t. I raced almost every week, and I was pretty good. I told her I knew what I was doing, but I don’t think she believed me.

            So here I am, driving Clarity and a very drunk Lara home. In the backseat Lara was out cold, she had passed out after all the alcohol she drank. But Clarity was smart and she didn’t drink at all.

            “Clarity, are you mad at me?” I ask, tentatively.

            “No, not at you. Just your dumb decision.” She states, still looking out the window.

            I stop the car on the side of the road and turn to face her as she whips her head around to look at me.

            “Why did you stop the car?” Clarity asks me.

            “Because you are lying to me.” I state.

            “Okay, yes I’m mad at you. You kiss me and then you go and street race to settle a dumb argument. It was stupid. I tried to stop you, but you didn’t listen. Sometimes I think you like me and sometimes I think you don’t, you have to choose one or the other.” She says, raising her voice.

            “I like you, why else would I ask you on a date?” I yell. She flinches at the intensity of my voice and I immediately regret what I said.

            “I’m getting out of the car, take Lara to her house.” She says, then opens the car door. Might I also say that it is 12:30 at night.

            “Clarity, get back in the car.” I say as I open my door.

            “No.” She states.

            I walk around the car to catch up with her.

            “Just get back in the car.” I say, again. She still doesn’t turn around.

            “Please get back in the car?” I ask, politely.

            “What is going to take for you to shut up?” She asks, as she turns to face me.

            “For you to get back in the car.” I state.

            “Fine.” She says. We walk back towards the car and I get in it after Clarity.

            The drive back to her house is quiet. I just wish she would talk to me. But before now I hadn’t noticed how hungry I was.

            “Clarity, are you hungry?” I ask. Watching the road as I weave in and out of the cars.

            “Could you slow down?” She asks, a little panicked.

            “Calm down, are you hungry?” I ask again.

            “Yes, dammit, I’m hungry!” She yells. Which makes me chuckle. I pull into the nearest McDonalds and drive towards the drive-thru. I order a Big Mac and I order Clarity some Fries.

            “Can we go to 7-11 to get a slurpie?” Clarity asks.

            “You want a slurpie?” I ask, completely ignoring her question.

            “Yes, now get me my slurpie.” She says, getting a little annoyed.

            She runs into the 7-11 to get us both slurpies. When she comes back, she has the biggest freaking slurpie cup I have ever seen. She opens the door and hands me a Blue Raspberry one.

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