A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Three

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            Yet again, my night is sleepless. But, not because of my insomnia. But because of Dallas. I could not stop thinking about him. There was just something about him. I felt like he knew something about me that I didn’t even know. I also feel like there is more to him than he says. Could he possibly have a broken past like me? Maybe, we will leave it at that.

            Once I’m dressed in a hoodie and a pair of jeans, I walk out the door to meet my brother in his car. This morning there was no bickering, just a normal drive to school. Which felt good. No fighting, no yelling, just a normal sister, brother drive.

            “Bye, Clarity. Have a good day. I won’t be able to pick you up from the library today. So find a ride home.” Daniel says as I shut the car door. Okay, I can get a ride.

            I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I wave bye to Daniel. Walking along the sidewalk, I don’t do my normal. Which is keeping my head down, trying not to be noticed. But today, today I walked with my head up saying “Hi” to familiar faces. It felt good to walk like this, it felt like I was a new person. I think this has something to do with Dallas, but I can’t be sure.

            “You seem in a good mood today.” Lara says as I get my books out of my locker.

            “I guess I am in a good mood.” I reply, shutting my locker.

            “Well, does this have anything to do with Dallas?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

            “No!” I exclaim. Maybe it is Dallas. No, he is just playing you. He doesn’t like you, you’re a nerd. He is a bad boy, and an arrogant player. My inner voice yells at me. My inner voice is like the devil, she hates me. Now I sound crazy.

            “Oh, Lara do you think I could get a ride home?” I ask as we walk into first hour.

            “Oh, may-“ But she is cut off by the one and only, Dallas Payne.

            “Hey, babe.” Dallas says to me.

            “Hi, Dallas. Don’t call me babe.” I reply rolling my eyes in disgust.

            “Oh, but I thought we had a relationship.” He states, holding his hand to his heart. Acting hurt.

            “No, we don’t have a relationship,” turning back to Lara I ask, “anyways, Lara can I get a ride home?”

            “Oh, babe. You need a ride home? I will take you home.” Dallas says not even giving Lara a chance to speak.

            “Oh, my gosh! Dallas, I don’t need you to take me home!” I exclaim, in disbelief.

            “But, you do need a ride. I am that ride!” He says, excitedly. Before I can say another word he walks back to his seat, leaving me standing in the middle of the classroom. I walk back to my seat next to Lara, she just looks at me. She can tell I’m pissed. Not at her, but at Dallas. He is such a frustrating person! I have no clue how girls can be all over him. I know Dallas is a player, but why is he acting so strange around me. Is it possible he could like me? No! Dallas doesn’t like you. My inner voice keeps warning me. Dallas is just another distraction.

            Fist hour goes by in a flash, and so does second hour. But when lunch came along, something happened. Something very unexpected. Lara and I were sitting at our table when someone slides into the seat next to us. I look over to see who it was, it was Dallas.

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