A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Nineteen

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        We have been in this cabin for three days. It’s becoming harder and harder to live off canned beans and eggs. This is ridiculous. We need real food. But, I can’t risk us going to the store to get food. Due to the warrant’s for our arrests. I look at my phone and the date reads December 2nd. Twenty-four days until Christmas. My mom wanted to have all our friends over for a big Christmas dinner. So, I’m looking forward to that.

            I’m currently watching the Miami Heat basketball game. All of a sudden, music starts Blasting from the kitchen and I nearly fly out of seat. I hear Jason yell at someone. Then the music stops. I get up from my seat and walk into the kitchen.

            Clarity sits on the counter, laughing. While Lara is fumbling with a hand held speaker. Jason has his hand to his forehead, and is sitting in a dining room chair. Then there is Daniel who just continues cooking the eggs he was making. Like nothing happened.

            “What the hell?” I asked, smiling a little bit. Clarity just laughs even more and Lara puts the speaker on the counter and smiles at me sheepishly.

            “Your girlfriend wanted to know what would happen when you plug a speaker into an auxiliary port that connects to surround sound. You should teach her better, Dallas.” Jason explains.

            “I knew what would happen, I just wanted to see how loud it would get. What can I say, I’m curious.” She replies.   

            Later in the afternoon, we were all watching the playoffs, when the power went out. Jason thought it was just a storm, but the skies outside were clear. I immediately sprung into action. I grabbed the Shotgun that sat by the back door, and others grabbed knives. Jason had thankfully brought a hand gun. I pushed Lara into a closet along with Clarity.

            “This could just a power outage.” Braden stated.

            “Yeah, it migh-“ but I was cut off by the front door swinging open, revealing a very pissed off Alex. He pointed his gun at me, and fired. I dove to the left, to take cover behind the couch.

            “I warned you, Dallas.” He yelled. The rest of his crew came barreling in behind him. “Find Lara and Clarity.” All his guys started searching the house. Jason lifted his gun and fired about three rounds. Hitting two guys and missing one. Then all hell broke loose. All the guys started shooting and yelling, some of Alex’s guys being bashed over the head with lamps. It was insanity. But one thing that caught my eye, was a mass of red hair, She hitting some guy with a baseball bat.

            Alex looked over to where I was staring at Clarity. He smiled and pointed his gun at her. I ran full force at him and knocked him over right when he pulled the trigger. I heard a shriek.

            I turned my head and saw Clarity holding her arm. Blood pouring from where the bullet was lodged in her skin. I hit Alex multiple time, clamoring to get the gun out of his hands. I finally got the gun out of his hands, and ran to Clarity.

            “Clarity!” I yell out to her. She is holding her arm still, blood pouring down her grey t-shirt. Her hands are stained with her own blood. This can’t be happening.

            She looks up at me, her emerald green eyes glazed over with tears. I picked her up and sat her on the counter. Seeing a dishcloth, a grab it and wrap it around her arm. Pressure.

            “Don’t think about it, look at me.” I order. She nods in reply. A minute after I finish tying the cloth, I hear Clarity.

            “Shit. It hurts so bad.” She groans in pain. Before I know it, a muscular arm has me pinned to the ground. My first reaction is to point the gun at his head. Alex looks at me with alarm in his eyes.

            “Get off me, asshole.” I say through gritted teeth. He complies with my order and gets off of me. I still have the gun trained on his forehead. “Let us leave, before I shoot your brains out.” I say, looking around at the rest of our crew. Lara is huddled in a corner, her hands covering her ears. Jason has a guy in a choke hold, squeezing the life out of him. Luke and Braden both have bloody noses, while they fight back-to-back. Alex’s guys are teaming up slowly on our friends.

            “You won’t shoot me.” Alex states, slowly.

            “I swear I will, don’t test me.” I say as I shoot a hole in the wall beside his head.

            “Fine. Guys stop!” Alex yells. Much to their disappointment, his guys stop fighting.

            “We are leaving.” I state to the rest of the crew. “Braden, get Lara.” I pick Clarity up and put her on the ground. She stumbles a little, before she all but sprints out to the car. Me close behind her. I remotely unlock to car and Clarity hops in. Jason puts Lara in the backseat of his Camaro, with Braden in the passenger seat. While Daniel gives Luke the keys to his crappy car.

            We speed down the driveway with Jason leading and me in the rear. I look over at Clarity, and she has her jaw clenched. She is pissed. I see Jason swerve to the left, up in front of us. And Daniel’s car comes skidded to a stop. I swerve right. But that’s when I see Alex’s guys, More of them. Creating a road block. I take a turn down a street to the right.

            I look in the review mirror and see that about three cars are following us. But not one of them is Daniel or Jason. The cars, speed up to block me in.  

            “What’s going on?” Clarity yells, looking at me with scared eyes.

            I swerve in and out of traffic on the highway leading back to Miami. “Alex’s guys are trying to kill us. They want us dead.” I reply, swerving to miss a car.

            “Are we going to die?” She breaths out.

            “No. I won’t let that happen.” I reply, even though I can hear the worry in my own voice, I will not let Clarity get hurt.

            I exit off the highway, and take some streets through downtown Miami. I look back in the rearview again and still see the cars following us. One comes and slams into my bumper. Shit. I’m going to need to get that fixed. Before I knew what was happening, I ran through a red light. I looked to my right and saw the front grill of a semi. That was when I knew it was over.

            “Clarity!” I yelled, before my car was pushed left and the passenger side was almost completely crushed.

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