A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Fifteen

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            I had a feeling I already knew what was in the brown paper bag Jason brought with him. Drugs. He knew I had a problem with drugs when I started my senior year. I really was in some deep trouble when I was a sophomore and a junior. It was bad, I almost couldn’t get out of it. But I did thankfully.

            We pull into Clarity’s driveway after what seems like forever. I open the passenger door and pull the chair up to help Clarity out.

            “Dallas I can get out of the car by myself.” Clarity informs me. I roll my eyes at her and continue helping her out of the car. By the time I turn around, Jason is already at the front door.

            I grab Clarity’s hand and walk up to the front porch.

            “I have a key, hang on.” Clarity says. She lifts up a pot holding some daisy’s. She retrieves a small key and then walks to the front door. As she jams the key in the door knob Jason asks:

            “Clarity, where is your dad?” Clarity’s hand freezes and she sighs.

            “He died when I was thirteen.”

            Jason’s eyes widen and he looks taken aback. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.”

            Clarity just shakes her head and continues with the door. When she opens the door a woman who looks a lot like Clarity immediately comes into view and she does not look happy.

            “Where have you been?” She yells, her teeth clenched.

            “It’s not like you care.” Clarity counters back.

            I take notice of this woman. Because Clarity is her spitting image. Except the woman standing before me has Brown hair and blue eyes. Instead of Clarity’s fiery red hair and her striking emerald green eyes. This is Clarity’s mom.

            “I am your mother of course I care about your well-being. I need to know where you are at all times.” Her mother yells. I feel like this is my time to interject.

            “Umm, hello. Ms. Rivers, I’m Dallas. Clarity was with Lara all night.” I say, holding my hand out to her.

            “Oh please call me Mary. Clarity is that where you were?” She asks, as she turns to look at her daughter. Clarity just simply nods her head in reply. “Oh, well it was nice to meet you Dallas and uh, I didn’t catch your name.” She says, looking at Jason who stands behind me.

            Jason steps forward and shakes her hand. “I’m Jason, Dallas and Clarity’s friend.”

            “Nice to meet you.” Mary replies. “Well, continue with whatever you guys were up to.”

            I took a step forward as Clarity shuts the door. Her hair still in a messy bun. She is still wearing my clothes, and she was right. Her mom really doesn’t care.

             Jason walks through this house like he knows the place by heart. Had he been here before? No way Jason knew this place. He has only been here once or twice. But it’s not my business. If Jason wanted me to know, then he would tell me. He isn’t telling me stuff for a reason. If he doesn’t want me to get involved, then it must be serious.

            “Is your brother home?” Jason asks Clarity as we walk down her crammed hallway.

            “Yeah, why?” She counters back. Clarity can tell something is up too.

            “I need his help with some of my calculus work.” Jason replies. He wrung his fingers together, he is nervous.

            “Umm, okay. He is in his room.” Clarity states. Clarity opens up her bedroom door, and walks in. leaving the door open.

            I walk into her room and shut the door after myself. When I lock it into place, I see Clarity jump a little. She is still nervous about being alone with me. She shouldn’t be, I wouldn’t do anything she wouldn’t want to do.

            “Relax, it’s okay.” I assure her.

            “Sorry.” She mutters in response. I think about Clarity and how nervous she is, and come to the conclusion that it would be best if I left her bedroom.

            “I’m going to go find Jason.” I state, opening the door. I shut the door before I hear her response. Her hallway was filled with boxes, I had to squeeze by the wall multiple times. But finally I come to stand in front of Daniel’s bedroom door. It is slightly ajar, so when I knock the door flies open. Revealing Daniel and Jason sitting by Daniel’s desk.

            “Hey, guys.” I say, shutting the door behind me. I don’t notice the stream of white powder on the desk until I get closer.

            “Is that cocaine?” I exclaim.

            “Shut up!” Jason and Daniel say in unison.

            “You guys are pushing drugs aren’t you. Jason I thought you quit, and Daniel. Oh my gosh! Does Clarity know?” I ask, bewildered.

            Daniel looks at the door, then back to me. “Yeah, she found me smoking weed the other day. But she doesn’t know about the cocaine. Please don’t tell her!” Daniel exclaims, his eyes bloodshot from the drugs.

            “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m not going to tell her. This is between her and her deadbeat, drug addicted brother. Who she mostly looks up to. So, I’m not going to tell her.” I reply, smirking. Jason looks from me to Daniel and then scurries out of the room. Me hot on his trail. Before Jason could say a word, I shoved him against the wall.

            “Jason, tell me the truth. Are you and Daniel selling drugs?” I ask, my arm pressing into his neck. His adam’s apple bobs up and down.

            “Yes.” Jason replies looking me dead in the eyes. My best friend wouldn’t lie to my face, right? I think to myself. He wouldn’t, or at least I don’t think he would.

            “Jason, good Lord Almighty! What were you thinking getting Daniel involved in this?” I exclaim. I knew Jason did drugs, but I never thought he would push them. I wonder if I could get my hands on some? Whoa, Dallas. You can’t do drugs. Not now. Not again. You know the effect it has on you.

            “I can hook you up if you want, and I can get Clarity some too.” Jason says, shrugging like it’s no big deal. I know Clarity, she won’t do drugs. It’s way out of her characteristics to do that.

            Before we could say anything else, Clarity’s door springs open. Making me jump away from Jason like he is the plague or something. Clarity has a sweater and some leggings on. Her hair is still up in the cute messy bun. Her blue sweater compliments her eyes, while her black leggings make her skin look paler than it is.

            “Let’s get to the stupid doctor.” Clarity says, as she walks towards us. There is my little sarcastic girl.

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