A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Twenty-Three

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            Clarity was right, I had to use her death to my advantage. Jason and Lara came by my house the day after the dream. I told them about it.

            Lara had helped me get off the drugs before graduation rolled around. But much to my mother’s disappointment, I didn’t go to senior prom. I lost the scholarship, but I did get into college. The University of Minnesota. I was going to start new. I needed it.

            Graduation day came and it was a blur of getting ready. When I arrived to the ceremony, all the seats were filled except one. The one beside me. Clarity’s chair. The principal started calling off the names. Everyone would walk in from the right side of the stage and exit to the left side.

            “Dallas Payne.” I got up and walked to the podium.

            I shook the principal’s hand and continued back to my seat. I peered into crowd only to see my mom sitting with Clarity’s mother and Daniel. I smiled at them. That was the first time I had smiled since Clarity’s death. I had one single photo of me and her together that I carried with me everywhere.

            “Clarity Rivers. Her diploma will be handed to her mother.” The principal stated. Clarity’s mom got up from the seat she was in and walked to the stage. She smiled out at the crowd. Tears threatened to pour from my eyes. But I smiled a wide smile at Mary. She returned it with a hug when she got down from the stage.

            Lara was salutatorian and gave a speech.

            “Good afternoon, my name is Lara Roberts. Senior year was memorable. Even though my best friend died six months ago. I still will always cherish our moments together in high school. One thing I know she taught me was to always remember our stories. Our lives are our story. You just have to make the choice of if you want to be the hero or villain. But another thing she always told me was ‘The struggle will always be a part of us, you just have to look at it in the right light.’ So remember graduates of 2014, are you the hero or the villain.”

            By the end of her speech, she was in tears. The principal came back on stage.

            “Congratulations graduating class of 2014.” We all then threw our hats in the air.

            Maybe life drags you down, maybe it pulls you up. Whatever the case maybe, always remember that you can find a different kind of love.

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