A Different Kind of Love: Epilogue

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            5 years later… downtown New York City.

            I stood in the middle of the rundown school watching the students with bad home lives, drug addictions, kids with problems. File into the gymnasium. Today I was talking with The Troubled Teens of America organization. Ever since my dream I had with Clarity, I had been trying to find a way to use her death to my advantage. This was how I did it. I talked to teens who went through bad situations, and I shared my story. Jason walked with me, as he was also sharing his story today. Jason kind of had a ‘come to Jesus’ moment, as he puts it. And stopped using drugs.

            “Hey, you ready for this?” Jason asked, pushing the gymnasium doors open.

            “I’m so ready.” I replied.

            I walked up to the stage that held the microphone and took the metal in my hand.

            “Hi, my name is Dallas Payne and I was a drug addict for three years and two months. I met a girl my senior year in high school. Her name was Clarity Rivers. That year I had stopped using drugs. I was a total badass in high school, and I thought I was invincible. I was on the run one night, running from this crazy psycho guy I used to buy drugs from. He had shot Clarity in the arm and she was in the car with me, when a semi hit the passenger side after I had ran a red light. She died in my arms that night. For about two months after her death I resorted back to drugs. I thought that drugs were the only way to forget how guilty I felt. I was wasting my life away.” I paused and looked into the eyes of the kids I was talking with. I saw on the front row a girl who looked to be around seventeen. She had red hair and she resembled Clarity in a lot of ways. I continued, “But one night, Clarity came to me in a dream. It was crazy. I felt as though my dream was real. She told me to and I quote her words ‘use my death to your advantage’. So that’s why I’m sharing my story with you. Her death helped me reach other kids who were like me. So always remember, no matter what’s happening in your life, you can get through it. Thank you.” I said, taking a deep breath before walking over to where Jason stood.

            He did a bro hug with me, and started towards the podium. I looked down at my ring finger. In small print I had gotten a tattoo that wrapped around my finger like a ring, it read:

            ‘Clarity, 12-2-14’

            It was the day she died. I had also gotten another one on my right bicep that said:

            ‘The Struggle is Part of the Story’

            Somehow I had thought of it as a coping mechanism. But as I sat here thinking about my friends and their walks through high school. Lara had ended up with Luke in the end. They had twins. A boy and a girl. The girl was named Clarity, and the boy was named Clark. Poor kid is going to get bullied big time in school. Let’s just hope he is as badass as his dad was. Braden moved to Chicago and became a lawyer. While Daniel stayed back in Florida. He because a computer hacker for the F.B.I.

            We all eventually moved on. But I knew in my heart that I would never love someone like Clarity again. But all too fast, our high school lives were over and we were thrown into the real world. As scary as it sounds, it’s not that bad. As long as you can be your own hero.

Hi, so i know im not one of the writers that communticates, sorry. but im just not that type of person. anyways. this is the end of 'A Different Kind of Love.' If you have questions about why Clarity died, feel free to PM me or comment or anything. tell your friends about this story. it is currently about to go through some editing stages. so yeah. But also i am about to start a new book called 'One Choice' you should chekc it out. 

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