A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Twenty-One

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Her body lay in my lap as I cried and cried. The paramedics arrived about five minutes after her pulse stopped. The images of her red hair caked in blood and the metal sticking out at odd angles from her sides. Her eyes were closed. It’s like when people say they are sleeping, but you know it’s the opposite. Immediately guilt washed over me. But the worst was when Daniel pulled up next to the ambulance. His eyes widened and he looked at me. I slightly shook my head. That’s when we both lost it. Lara and Jason immediately ran to me and I collapsed on the concrete. I screamed her name for what felt like hours. But it was only mere minutes.

One of the paramedics told Lara and Jason that it was amazing she didn’t die on impact. But that’s the thing she died anyways. Her body was in my arms when the life left her. But now she gets to be with her dad. She is happier.

The next few hours pass by in a blur. Alex was arrested and my whole crew was questioned. Daniel and Jason got community service time, because they agreed to testify against Alex. My mom and Clarity’s mom sobbed into each other.

When my mom pulled into the driveway, she said, “I’m so sorry, Dallas.” I snapped. Sorry wasn’t going to bring her back, she was dead and it was all my fault. I’m the one who was driving, I’m the one who still has her blood stained on their hands. I looked down to my shirt and saw her blood still on my clothes. I started panicking.

“Guess what mom, saying I’m sorry isn’t bringing her back.” I then got out of the car and locked myself in my room. I didn’t talk or eat for what felt like weeks, when in reality it was only a couple of days. I was living my life in a daze, waiting for Clarity to pop up out of nowhere and say it was all a joke. I was waiting for the punch line, but there wasn’t one. She was gone and I was devastated.

The doorbell rang on December 6th at 10:24 a.m. It was Lara checking up on me again. She told me the funeral was set for the day after tomorrow at 1:00. Clarity’s mom would really like it if I was there. I knew I was going without a doubt.

Lara left around 12:00 after she made me some soup for lunch. I ate the weird soup she made and decided to take a shower. My brain was always running with the thought, ‘What if I didn’t run that red light?’ Clarity wouldn’t be dead. She would still be here. Thinking back to last week, I barely knew Clarity. But isn’t it a wonder how you can fall so helplessly in love with someone who barely knew you or vise-versa. It truly was fate that brought us together.

After my multiple complaints, and refusing to walk out the door. I went to school December 7th. It was a Thursday. I walked through the halls, my head hung low. Watching my red converses tap the floor with each footstep. I turned the corner and someone bumped into me. I looked up only to be faced with icy blue eyes.

“Sorry, I-uhh-wasn’t looking.” I said, looking at Amanda Parker.

“It was my bad.” She replied, giving me a weak smile.

“I’m going to-uhh-go now.” I whispered.

“I’m going tomorrow, to her funeral.” Amanda stated, looking down at her heels.

Surprise, Amanda was going to her enemy’s funeral. It amazed me that she cared enough to go.

“Thank you.” I choked out. She nodded in reply, before walking down the hallway to her biology class.

People gave me odd looks all through the day, after they heard she died. They assumed I killed her. Yes, everyone. I killed the only girl that mattered to me. Note the sarcasm.

That’s the thing though. Everyone has a story. My story just sucked. 

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