A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Five

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Dallas drives us to this little pizza shop, I don’t remember the name. But, it is really good. Dallas and Jason talk about basketball and other things, I’m not really paying attention. Because I see a certain dirty blonde girl and a certain blonde boy sitting in a corner booth. Lara and Alex. I knew Lara always had a thing for Alex, but I never knew they were dating! I’m pissed.

“I will be right back.” I tell the boys, before I storm off to the ladies room. I can’t be mad at Lara. Not right now. I know she is probably under his spell. Why can’t she see through him? I’m pretty sure everyone, but her, can see right through him. What we see is an egotistical, arrogant, jerk, who only thinks of himself. Yeah, I know, that was very dramatic. I walk out of the bathroom and back to the booth next to Dallas.

“Are you okay?” Dallas asks, eating the last piece of pizza.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I mutter “Can you take me home, please?”

“Oh, why it’s only one o’clock.” He replies.

“Just, please take me home.” I say, getting a little angry.

“Okay, babe.” Uggh, why does he keep calling me babe! It is so annoying. I run a hand through my hair, out of frustration. He scoots me out of the booth and walks out to his car. Unlocking the door, he gets in the driver’s seat. I get in after Jason.

We pull up to my house, and Daniel is home. Fantastic. He is going to know something is up. He and I got into an argument last night, that’s why I asked Dallas to take me to school. As I walk up the steps to my porch, I hear heavy footsteps behind me. I turn around to find Dallas standing behind me.

“Hey, Clarity. Wait up.” He says.

“Yes?” I ask, obediently.

“I will come back and get you after I drop Jason off at his house, in like an hour. Okay?” He asks. Waiting for me to answer he shoves his hands in his pockets. I smile on the inside.

“Okay.” I say, opening my front door. Why is Dallas going to pick me up? It is probably for studying, nothing too important. My fingers wrap around the cold metal of the door handle, while I close it. I slide down the door and hold my head in my hands. All I could think about was Dallas. I snap out of my thoughts by a voice.

“Clarity? Are you okay?” Asks, you guessed it, Daniel.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I reply getting up and heading to my room.

“Wait, who was that boy?”

“Oh, um- uh- that was Dallas Payne.” I reply turning around to face my very worried looking brother.

“Like, THE Dallas Payne?” He asks, still worried.

“Yes.” I reply looking him dead in the eye.

“Who was the other kid?”

“Oh, that was Jason. Jason Finley.” I say.

“Oh, I know Jason.” He replies.

“How do you know Jason?” I ask, suspiciously.

“Oh-um-he is an, acquaintance of sorts.” Daniel was acting very weird. He acted happier, more than he normally was.

“Um, I’m going to go up to my room now.” I state, calmly walking up to my room.

I check my phone multiple times. Looking for anything from Lara. But she had not sent one single text message or called. She was making me very worried, but I let it be. If friends are meant to last, then things will work themselves out. I decided I would change my clothes. My fingers fish out a sweater with an owl on it, and a pair of brown leggings. Before I change I look at my figure in the mirror. I wasn’t the skinniest girl, but I wasn’t fat. I was a solid size 9. My feet weren’t too big, nor were they too small. They were a size 8. After I change into my clothes, I tug my old, worn out UGG boots onto my feet. I look at the clock and notice it’s almost 3:00! Dallas should be here any minute. My phone buzzes. It was a text from Dallas:

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