A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Fourteen

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            Dallas walks away from me, to go get us some drinks. While Jason and Braden discuss tactics for the race. Before I can turn to look in front of me, a sharp pain comes from my stomach. And the next thing I know Alex is yelling in my face.

            “Lara left me!” He screams at me, punching me in the stomach again.

            “She left me, because you told her to. You freaking whore!” He screams again, this time punching my cheek bone. Before he can do anything else, Braden is pulling him backwards and Jason is pulling me towards Dallas. Yelling at Dallas in the process. Realization hits me the same time it hits Dallas. I cry out in pain and tears threaten to fall down my face. Dallas runs to my side, and lifts me up in his arms.

            “Clarity, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” Dallas says, as he jogs to his car.

            “Hey, man. Do you want us to come with you?” Jason asks Dallas.

            “No, stay here and race. I will take her back to my house. She might have some broken ribs, but I think we can manage.” Dallas replies, setting me in the passenger seat. I wince in pain.

            “I’m sorry.” Dallas whispers, as he kisses my forehead.

            I clutch my stomach in pain the entire way home. Dallas glances at me multiple times, speeding in the process. My vision goes just a little black at the edges. But I can’t go unconscious right now, not now.

            “Clarity, take deep breaths.” Dallas says. Slightly panicking in the driver’s seat. I try the deep breath thing, but my breathing becomes even shallower. I lift my shirt slightly to examine my ribcage, and see black, purple, and blue staining my skin. A sob racks my body and I curl into a tight ball, burying my face in my knees. But after that, the rest is just a blur.

            I remember coming to a stop. I remember being carried into a building. I remember being sat down on a soft surface. But after that, I remember nothing but blackness.

            I run down a small, narrow hallway, someone chasing me. A boy with black hair and gleaming green eyes runs after me. We laugh as we run through the hallway. But suddenly the hallway turns into a gorgeous field. The boy who sits beside me is replaced by one with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes, the boy looks so familiar. He looks at me.

            “You are beautiful.” He says, looking me up and down.

            “Thank you.” I mumble.

            This doesn’t feel right. I feel like this boy is wrong. Like he isn’t the right person, and all of a sudden I am longing for the black-haired boy who I ran with down the narrow hallway. As the blonde boy leans in, I feel like I shouldn’t be here. I feel like this isn’t real.

            My eyes snap open, and I am immediately blinded by light. I try to sit up, but pain shoots through my ribs. I cry out in pain once again, and sit back on the soft surface. Soft surface? Where am I? I look around and notice I’m not in my house. Oh my gosh. Someone has kidnaped me. Holy crap, I’m going to die.Those were the only things running through my mind when a deep voice said:

            “Good, you’re awake.” Which only made my situation even worse.

            “Please don’t kill me.” I exclaim, covering my eyes.

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