A Different Kind of Love: Chapter Twenty

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        “Clarity!” Dallas yelled. I looked to my right and saw the semi. It connected with my side, and I felt sharp pains go through my stomach and whole right side. I felt a warm liquid run down the side of my face. An awful crunching noise pierced through my ears.

The car spun and the semi ran up on the hood of the car. The pain in my body was unbearable. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt more pain spread through my head.

“Clarity!” Dallas yelled from beside me.  

I can hear Dallas pushing open the crumpled door beside me, but the scene in front of my eyes is gruesome. There is blood all over the dashboard in front of me, and my hands are stained with blood. Whose blood is this? Is it all mine? I think to myself. I turn my head to the side, and see the driver’s side has hardly any blood. But my side, the windows are splattered.

Dallas unbuckles my seatbelt, and pulls me to the concrete where he cradles my head in his lap.

“Clarity, hold on. Okay, help is almost here.” He frantically says.

“Dallas, I-“ I pause, to cough. The couch splutters out and I can taste the iron in my mouth. “I love you.” I choke out. I can’t feel anything in my body at this moment. It’s all numb.

“I know. It’s going to be okay.” He let’s out a small sob, and covers his mouth. His green emerald eyes gleam in the sunlight.

“Dallas, I’m-“ breathing starts to become harder, and my lungs can’t find the air. “Sorry.” I whisper. I look up into the sun and see my dad’s face. His face becomes closer. And then, darkness takes over my vision.

I love Dallas, I really do. I only wish I could’ve had more time with him, but unfortunately I didn’t. I stand here with my dad watching Dallas sob, rocking me back and forth. My lifeless body in his arms.

“I’m sorry it ended this way.” My dad says from beside me. I look over at him, he looks much younger. It’s ironic. My dad died in a car incident. So did I.

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