Chapter 1

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"Head's up!" Caden shouted.

A football spiraled towards me and I caught it in mid air just as it passed my face.

"Dude, that was awesome!" he said, running to me and snatching the ball from my hand. Normally, If a random guy did this to me, I wouldn't be very nice but i've known Caden since he first joined my family's pack.

"And you need to work on your aim." I teased, putting him in a head lock and mussing his too long hair.

"Sto- stop- stop it!" he laughed, swatting at me.

I pushed him off of me and laughed, stepping back as he continued to punch me. I bumped into something small and I heard a deep thunk.

"Ow." someone groaned behind me.

I looked behind me and frowned. I knew this girl. She had a pretty good rep. Only punk girl in the school. Her hair was short in a long, boy hair style that guys in animes would have. Down her back ran a long braid that poked out from the nape of her neck. It was a strange white color with random, messy red streaks. Her eyes were also a deep blood red and darkly rimmed which squinted up at me in a glare.

"What where you're going." she grumbled, brushing off her shorts. They were massively frayed at the end and underneath she wore fishnets pairing them with black high tops. She had a red long sleeve t-shirt on with suspenders clipped to her pants. Freak.

"Better watch your temper, vampire." I growled down at her.

She let out a scoff and smirked at me.

"Or what? You gonna bark at me to death?"

I bared my fangs but nothing seemed to faze her. She was really starting to get to me. I started to her when a hand gripped my arm and I looked to my side.

"Sorry, Zita," Ani said, my girlfriend. "He has a bad... temper. You okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Zita said, flashing the only smile i've ever seen from her. Guess that's my girl's gift.

"Andrew?" Ani snapped as Zita walked away. "Let's talk about what happened, shall we?"

I rolled my eyes as she dragged me to a picnic table and she snuggled against me. I've always liked her, ever since the first time I met her. First, it was her beauty that got me. Her long, silk hair that was a warm, dark brown, her full set lips, her tall, toned frame and her sturdiness. Her browned eyes blinked up at me and her lashes brushed my shoulders. Her tanned, caramel skin was smooth and soft on my arm.

"You need to calm down," she said. "Before you get seriously hurt."

"What, me? Hurt? I'm going to be an Alpha of my own pack someday and you're worried i'm going to get hurt?"

"I'm serious, Andrew. There's something about her that's immensely strong. But I just can't seem to put my finger on it."

I knew never to doubt Ani. Her senses were better than anyone I ever knew. Maybe even close to my parents. The head Alphas of the family pack.

"Fine, i'll be more careful." I said, easing her a bit.

She nodded and started biting her nail. A kinda cute habit that she's always done when she's nervous. I kissed her cheek and gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll. Be. Careful." I whispered in her ear.

She giggled and gently pushed me away.

"We can do that later." she said. "Right now, we need to get to class."

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