Getting my Sin and Finding a Sin

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Your P.O.V. (Y/N stands for Your name)

"Wait. Hold up *Pant* I'm not fast enough *Pant*" I tell my 8 siblings to wait for me as I try to catch up with them. They don't hear me and leave me behind.

I just give up and sit near by a tree and look up at the dark clouded sky. 

'It looks like it's going to rain. *Sigh* They always seem to forget me. Even my parents, because there is so many of us'  I think to myself

I then think, 'They probably wouldn't even notice that i'm gone if I leave'

Tears started to pool from my eyes and I try to hold it back, but once it started to pour rain I couldn't hold it back and started to cry. I cried for what felt like hours and then I get this stinging pain on my chest where my heart will be. I look down and see a wolf tattoo there in the color of Black.

I then realize that it's a sin mark and that I just became one.

I start to feel this pulling sensation that is telling me where to go to find the other sins. 

'Should I just ignore it and go back to my family or should I just follow it and leave my family behind' I ask myself 

'They won't remember you (Y/N), because of that sin you bear. No one will ever remember you unless they truly love you because you are now the Eighth sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin' A voice in my head told me

'That's probably my inner wolf sin talking to me. I guess i'll just leave to find the other sins' I thought to myself

I get up and start walking the opposite direction of my home and village and head straight into the woods to begin my new journey.

~~Timeskip 7 hours~~

I've been walking in the woods for what seems like hours and i'm hungry and tired. I decide to stop and take a rest near a tree. I sit down and put my back against the tree. I then fall asleep from exhaustion. 


I wake up when I felt rumbling on the ground and was free falling towards the ground. All of a sudden I felt a strong muscular grip my waist and hoist me up onto solid ground.

I look to my side to see who it is and then I notice a boy with blonde hair and green eyes and a dragon sword attached to his back. I can also see another girl with silvery gray hair next to him tucked in his arm and passed out as well. Thats when I also notice a pink pig hanging on his back with a knight on his back as well.

"You there. How dare you survive without my say so. I shall not be revising my death tally conclusion" A man in big red armor says

"Who asked you anyway!" I hear the pink pig TALK!

"Hey, are you alright?" The boy with the blonde hair tells me 

"No i'm not he just interrupted my sleep" I say with rage in my voice and a dark aura surrounding me.

He looked at me puzzled, but I just ignore it.

I get out of his grip as the man in the red armor starts to walk towards us because he noticed the girl with the silvery hair was actually a princess? Well I think thats what he said, I wasn't really paying attention.

"You just made the wrong mistake by waking me up" I said with menace in my voice

The man who the knights were calling Sir Twiggo looked at me astonished for some reason

"And who might you be?" He asks sarcastically 

"Your worst nightmare" I say menacing as I blast a power ball at him and hits him square on his chest

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now