My Newfound Powers

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Your P.O.V.

My head was hurting so badly like if someone was ripping something inside my brain.

That's when I realized the my powers are finally coming out since the magic seal is broken now.

I went to my window and jumped outside. I landed on the ground.

I went running towards the trees as I felt my magical power increasing by the minute. I got into an empty area and I could feel my magical power about to explode.

That's when I see Meliodas come into my line of vision.

'What is he doing here?'

"N-no M-meliodas S-stay back!" I tried to warn him

He just comes closer to me until he's standing in front of me

"Embrace the pain (Y/N), you need to embrace it in order for you to come into your powers." Meliodas tells me seriously

I looked at him shocked, that he knew what was going on, but then I screamed in pain because it felt like I was being teared apart.


I listen to his words and I accept myself for who I truly am and what I was meant to be.

All of a sudden I was engulfed in a white and dark purple light.

Half of me was covered in the pure white light while the other half of me was covered in the deep purple light.

Once it dimmed down I saw that I had wings and markings on my body.

My right side of my body had a white glow to my skin and my right eye was orange with a symbol on it. On my right shoulder blade was the most magnificent white Angel wing.

My left side of my body was covered in deep purple markings. Even my eye was purple. I then see that my left shoulder blade also has a wing but it was made out of the deep purple stuff like the markings on my body.

"*Gasp* I'm half Goddess and half Demon" I say as the realization hits me

I then black out from exhaustion and from over load on my power. I feel myself land in somebody's grasp.

Meliodas' P.O.V.

I was walking to my room when I felt (Y/N0)'s presence behind me following me. I went into my room and left the door open for her to come through. I sit on my bed and look up to see her walk into my room.

"Here let me take care of that wound of yours" she says as she walks towards me

"How would you do that?" I asked curiously 

She went up to me and sat down on the bed next to me. She put her hand on my shoulder and used her power, but I noticed something went wrong.

She looked confused at first, but then she looked like she was in deep thought

'I wonder what she's thinking' I ask myself

 I feel her magic start to pour into me with a bright white light

'Is that......Angelic healing magic? but how? I only sensed her demon side'

I then feel a magic seal break from her and I bet she felt it too

I look at her but she showed no reaction

'I guess she ignored it'

Once the light dimmed down she looked to see if my wound was completely healed and it was

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