The Angel of Destruction

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Ban's P.O.V.

I see (y/n) come out of the goddess trap and saw Demon blood spurt out and surround her entire body and she had her wings out. 

Both her eyes were a dark purple, so i'm guessing her Demon side has more control right now because of the Demon blood from the trap

I see her walk towards Elizabeth and she heals her sister

I got distracted that the Holy Knight knocked me and Meli as well

I then see (y/n) walk towards the Holy Knight that attacked me and just stared at her

Then the Holy Knight starts to wince and holds her stomach 

"Hot, my insides are burning" She says as she's in pain

(y/n) keeps at staring at her like if she was doing that to her

'She is doing that to her, be careful (y/n) isn't in control right now, just back off a bit and I'll handle this' I hear captains voice in my head

I see him get up and examine (y/n) as she goes in and chops off the Holy Knight's hand to get captains sword hilt

'Why did she go for that?' I ask confused to myself

The Holy Knight then screams in pain as she notices that her hand has been removed

"How dare you!" The holy knight tells (y/n)

She then uses the sword hilt to do an attack on her

There's a lot of dust everywhere and (y/n) stays standing there and Captain approaches her so he can control (y/n)

I walk up to the Holy Knights from behind and I say, "Thats some really bad news, Jericurl!"

"My names Jericho!" The holy knight corrects me as she grabs her sword

"Oh sorry, I went on ahead and healed myself, Oh nice spell beads you guys got some fun little toys~" I say as I show them the spell beads I stole without them noticing 

"Hold on, when did you-" She cuts herself off

"Ah! Ban try to control (y/n)!" Captain says as he tries to control her but she attacks him, knocking him out

"(Y/N) I know you're still in there, come back to me baby" I say as I get closer to her

She runs and lands right in front of me creating a crates around us

She comes near me and starts to sniff me?

"U-um (y/n)?" I ask confused as to why she was sniffing me

She stops sniffing me and then she expands her wings and flies off

King's P.O.V.

I was fighting a holy knight, exhausted

I hear him talking about sealing someone in a Goddess amber?

I try to attack him again, but then he tells me that it isn't the right time for that 

I then see (y/n) land on the ground with a big thud in front of the Holy Knight

I see that she has demon markings all around her and she has wings. One of them I a pure white wing like a goddess and the other is like a demon wing

I see (y/n) try to hit the holy knight, but he stops her attack with his hand

She then disappears and reappears next to him hitting him

She keeps attacking him non-stop

She looks like an animal, like she isn't who she is, like if something is possessing her

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