Unholy Knight

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Your P.O.V.

"This kid is one of the Seven Deadly Sins" A holy knight says, obviously talking about Gowther, and already forgetting about me

"I can't believe it" Another holy knight says

"I know, but he stopped my fully charged arrow with his bare hands, I just can't imagine some ordinary kid will be able to pull of a stunt like that" The holy knight that shot the arrow says

"That is correct, there can be no doubt, I am indeed Gowther, the Goat Sin" Gowther says

Ban goes and jumps right next to Gowther

"Whoa, so back then you were wearing that armor huh? Guess I always figured it was some giant old man stuffed inside there" Ban says circling him and finally ending right by my side

"Given your posture, Gaze, tone of voice, attitude, as well as that scar.... I presume that your Ban the undead?" Gowther says

"Hahaha, now that's the Gowther I remember" Ban says

The holy knights are shocked when they find out that Ban is  a sin as well

"And that young boy who appears just as I remember him from years ago must be..." He trails off

"You got it! I'm captain Meliodas alright!" Meli says with his cheery voice

"Hold on! This little squirt is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins!" The holy knight next to him says

"Yea, surprised?" Meli says casually to the holy knight

"Its astonishing" Gowther replies

"You say you can't tell from his face? Then what do you think of that guy? Ready for this one, that's King" Ban says pointing King

"No that's someone else, bone structure, voice, and body odor, it all indicates another person, not king" Gowther says

"Odor?" Ban says

"Hmm" King says as he transforms himself to his other form

The chains around him disappear 

"It is him, undoubtedly" Gowther says as he sees him transform 

"Wow, way to backtrack" Ban says

"Wonderful! to not only meet Gowther, but 3 of the Seven Deadly Sins...So happy!" the Holy Knight with the iron mask says

'Grrrr they keep forgetting about us' my Wolf says

I accidently let the growl escape my throat and everybody looks at me

"It's 4 sins of the Eight Deadly Sins" I correct him 

"Well anyways, given the chance I would love to challenge you, but it's such a pity. In the very end our mission today is to solely take home that armor giant's head" The holy knight says

"By the way who's inside that armor?" Meli asks Gowther

"Well i'm not really sure" Gowther says and all the sins look surprised

"Now then, time to get to work" The holy knight says as his comrades are behind him ready to battle

"I'd actually prefer if you left him alone, would you?" Gowther asks

"What's going on Gowther? Just let those guys do what they want" Ban says 

I look at the monster inside the armor and then I feel it.... Demon magic

It's radiating off of this monster

'I think I know what Gowther is trying to do, it's best if we just listen to Gowther for now' I tell Ban and Meli with mind-link

Thats when the monster stands up and the armor breaks off his body as he roars

Gowther talks to the holy knights about something and I just back off knowing what he's going to do

He then chops off the head of the monster causing everybody to be surprised at what he did, but i'm not because I know what he's doing

Gowther hands the holy knight the head of the monster and has a discussion with him

Then all the Holy knights leave us 

~Le timeskip~

Meliodas just finished off the holy knight transformed demon

I see Ban walk up to the dead man and rips off a small demon that was attached to his stomach

I then hear in my head

'Haha (y/n), why didn't you join the fight with your brother? Anyways i'm looking forward to seeing you soo-' He gets cut off when Ban squashes the demon

I see Meli looking at me intently, wondering what happened

'Father decided to have a little chat with me through that demon' I tell him as we start to walk back to the tavern

'We'll talk about this later alright' He says 



A/N: Sorry that it was such a short chapter 

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