The Sin in the Sleeping Forest

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Your P.O.V.

We were currently walking through the Forest Of White Dreams trying to find one of the Sins on a hunch Meliodas made.

"Hey Meliodas are you sure about this, we've been out here for 3 hours now. There is no sign of any animal, much less any humans either" Hawks says 

"You're right Hawk, Sir Meliodas do you really think we'll be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here?" Elizabeth asks him

I get a bit angry because I never get acknowledge, but I guess thats the con of being the Sin of Forgetfulness, no one will remember me.

"Probably" Meliodas says casually 

"You mean we came here without any sudden evidence! I heard there's a terrifying monster who lurks around here watching and waiting..." Hawk says scared

"I know where we're going don't worry Hawk" I tell him

"How do you know (Y/N)?" Meliodas says behind me as he squeezes my butt. I smack his hand away and I say, "I have this magnetic pull to the sins telling me where to go"

Meliodas looks at me strangely but then shrugs it off and says, "Alright then lead the way (Y/N)"

I just continue walking ahead not even bothering to see what's going on with the others.

I then notice that my panties are missing and guessing why that is. It was Meliodas and he probably did the same with Elizabeth.

*Sigh* I just left them to deal with the creatures so I can find the next Sin.

I keep walking towards the pull and then I finally find someone laying on the floor. It's a giant girl and by looking at the mark on her thigh she is a Sin. I go up to her and poke her face.

Her eyes start to open up, but that's when the creatures started to come back and tell this "Diane" girl that they let Holy Knights trespass. 

I see Meliodas and the rest running over here and stopping next to me.

She fully wakes up and then stands up and says, "Some Holy Knights got in huh?"

"Whoa she's huge!" Hawk says scared

All of a sudden she grabs Meliodas with one hand and grabs me with the other hand.

"You're in trouble Holy Knights" She tells us

"Hold on, you're not going to eat them are you?" Hawk says 

"You let go of Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth screams

'Wow thanks for my concern' I say in my head 

"Huh? Sir Meliodas?" Diane says pulling her hand that has Meliodas closer to her face

"Yo Diane, what's it been? Like 10 years?"

"Hmmmm!....... CAPTAIN!!!!" She yells with stars in her eyes and then she drops me on the floor and says, "OHOH CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!" as she rubs her finger against his cheek 

'Sheesh can this girl be any more in love with our captain' My wolf says

I giggle and think 'She is the sin of envy, just wait until she sees captain is with two other girls'

'Ooooooohhhhh I can't wait to see that' My wolf says

I was so into my conversation that I didn't notice what was going on until I heard a loud bang. I look to see that Meliodas is stuck on the ground because Diane apparently threw him.

Then Diane was crying and then Meliodas tried to explain to her but then she reacted again and started to punch him.

'Hahaha this is so hilarious' my wolf and I said at the same time

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now