Dark Pulse

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Ban's P.O.V.

I see the fire ball heading towards me, but then  someone was in front of me with wings

The fire ball hits the wings

I look to see that its (y/n), but she's different

"You dare hit my Mate!" I hear her yell

'Is she talking about me?'

I then see (y/n) attack her and keep hitting her relentlessly like if she's not herself anymore

She looked lustful for blood, I can tell by looking in her eyes

I could feel her magic energy radiating tremendously and I was actually afraid of her

I see captain grab her hands and forcefully pulls her away

She tries to break free, but couldn't

"(Y/N)! Stop this now!" Captain says with his Demonic voice

"What's wrong with her?" I say as I come closer

"Ban! Only you can stop her, you need to go up to her and tell her everything is alright and just try to relax her" Captain says

He then lets go of (y/n) and then I step in and grab her. I felt tingling sensations from where our skin touches

"(y/n) look at me, I know you're still in there, please come back to me" I tell her trying to get through her

I see her look up at me into my eyes, that's when her eyes widen and they go back to there normal color

"Sorry" I hear her say before she blacks out

But before she hits the ground I catch her in time 

I pick her up and sling her over my shoulder

All of a sudden we were all glowing a yellow light and disappearing?

"The Necropolis senses that you don't belong here, that's why it's pushing everybody out" The little buy says


We were all somewhere in the woods near a pond relaxing around a campfire

(y/n) is still knocked out cold in my bedroom

'I need some answers now, I can't wait anymore'

"Hey captain, can I speak to you in private?" I ask

"Sure Ban" He says with his cheery voice

We walk into the woods and then we stop

"So what is it Ban" He says as he puts his hands behind his head

"I need to know the truth about everything, about you and (y/n)" I say

"I think i'll wait to let (y/n) tell you all that since it's her life" Meliodas says seriously

"Fine" I say as I go back to everybody

When I get there I see (y/n) up and talking to everybody like if nothing happened

'I'll talk to her later' 

Your P.O.V.

I wake up to a huge headache

'Ugh what happened?'

Then all at once my memories came rushing in

'Damn it I lost control'

I get up and use my magic to get rid of my headache then I see everybody outside so I decide to go out and just pretend nothing happened

I went out and joined everybody but I didn't see Meli or Ban anywhere

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now