The Fairy King waits in Vain

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King's P.O.V.

"Why? I thought the Sacred Tree would've abandoned you by now. How can you still draw out Chastiefol's power like that?" Helbram asks

"Ah I feel so warm, my wounds!" The holy knight that was inside with Diane says 

"When the Sacred Tree is injured, it protects the wound from outside forces by releasing pollen healing itself. It was a lucky thing too. If I wasn't so close to Diane then she already would've been dead" I say as I float up

"The Sacred Tree exists to watch over the entire Fairy Realm without any sense of good or evil. Do you still intend to carry on Helbram? After 700 years, do you still want to wipe out the human race?" I ask

"I just don't want it! I can't stop myself anymore! Listen up Holy Knights! I need all your magical power! Give me very last one you have! Hahahaha here it comes, HERE IT COMES, HERE IT COMES!" Helbram yells 

He attacks me, but I block it with my Chastiefol 

We continue to battle 

"I won't ;et myself lose! Do you hear me!" Helbram yells at me

We fight for a bit more and he starts to go crazy

"It's going to be alright. You can finally get some rest now, Helbram..." I say as I do my final blow at him 

He falls to the ground and I see him trying to reach for his helmet 

I go down and I pick it up and I kneel down to give it to him

"Hey.. it's been a long time isn't it Harlequin? You know that helmet...was actually suppose to be a present for you. Isn't that funny, there was something about it that I kind of thought you'd like, so I got it from a human. But what a idiot I was. One good look at it, and anyone will tell you that it was lame" He says

I had tears coming out of my eyes and I say, "Yea you're right. In the end you really are such an idiot" I say

He takes his last breath and he dies 

I stand back up and wipe away my tears

I fly away from him and towards Diane

"I really am sorry Diane, for making you go through all that alone" I apologize to her

"It wasn't your fault, thanks king" Diane says 

"You can just leave the rest to me" I say smiling 

"Herlequin.. that name sounds so familiar. Wonder why? Who was it? I can't remember..." She trails off 

"It was a dream" I say smiling with my head down

"Huh?" She says confused 

"I bet it was from a dream you had" I say smiling up at her face

She smiles back at me with a giggle

"Would you mind telling me one thing? No matter how I look at it, I just can't wrap my head around the idea that you guys are plotting to overthrow the kingdom, so if that's not why you are here, then what was your reason for coming here in the first place?" The holy knight asks 

"We came here to rescue (y/n), who is disguising herself as princess Elizabeth, who has been abducted" I say

"Abducted?! Are you saying (y/n) is actually here right now?!" the holy knight yells

Your P.OV.

You feel the Mage transport you to a different room and throws you on the floor 

She just stands there looking at you for some reason

'Hopefully she can't notice my illusion'

Meliodas P.O.V.

I'm running towards the fight when I see purple/black flames

'Hellblaze scream?'

I run just in time to full counter the magic attack towards the Knight

The attack hits Hendrickson

"He was actually able to repel my attack" I hear Hendrickson say

"Well it looks like you've gotten a lot more powerful since the last time I saw you" I say

"I know that voice... Could it be?" Hendrickson says

"Yea, it's me alright, and i'm not going to leave without Elizabeth!" I say as the dust clears and I try to hide the fact that he actually kidnapped my sister who put an illusion over herself to protect Elizabeth

'Don't worry sis, i'm coming to save you' 

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