Bloodcurdling Canon

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Your P.O.V.

We arrive at where the arena was at to find Meli and Diane stop fighting, sensing the great magical power coming towards us

"They're coming captain" I tell Meli 

All the sins get in the ring so we can all be together

Meli was of course in front of us with all of us standing behing us

"My real identity is captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, I'm Meliodas, the Dragon Sin!" Our Captain says

Everybody gasps in surprise 

"We're taking over Vaizel, everything here belongs to us now!" Meli tells the villagers, trying to make them get away from the danger thats coming

"I'm giving you less than 1 minute to clear out of this town understand!? If you don't we're gonna kill you all!" Meli yells trying to scare them away

All the townfolk talk back saying that they don't believe him , but then they reconsider it because of how we've been fighting

"Get the Hell out of here!" Meli yells to the people as we feel the great magical presence coming closer

All of a sudden we see it, huge fireballs are heading over to us

I take the chance to use my power to teleport all the villagers to a safe place

It took a lot out of me because it was a huge village

I kneel down to the ground exhausted 

All the fireballs hit the land and then there was one heading right towards us, but Meli full counters it with his magic

"Damn, they're here already" Meli says

"That equipment is sacred treasure class" King says

"It is, I bet guila has gotten a lot stronger since Necropolis, and what's worse there's three this time, lets split up for now" Meli says

We all listen to his orders

~Timeskip because I want to~

Meli and me got knocked out, but we were slowly coming back to consciousness 

I hear Elizabeth fighting with someone

"No let go of me" I hear Elizabeth yell

I then get up at the same time Meli does and stop Elizabeth's sister 

"I'm gonna protect Elizabeth!" Meli says

I was standing right beside him

"Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth says

"Even if I die trying" Meli continues on

'I won't let that happen as long as i'm by your side' I tell Meli through mind-link

I then notice the girl holding a familiar purple diamond 

'(Y/N)! You need to get away from that!' My Demon and Goddess yell

I then remember what it is

'No I can't ket Meli get captured!' I say back as I jump in front of Meli just as the girl finishes the words

"No! (Y/N)!" I last hear Meli say before I get sucked in

I open my eyes and see I was in a complete darkness of purple 

"W-where am I?" I say as I stand up

"Hello, my daughter, it's nice to finally see you" I hear a dark voice

"F-father?" I ask surprised

"Yes, (y/n) it is me" I hear his voice again

"Where am I?" I ask

"You are trapped in a goddess amulet, but it has my demon blood in it, which allows me to talk to you" He says

"Father, I need to escape, I need to help my team and brother" I tell him trying to see if there is a way out

"No, I want you to come back to me, I can teach you to be stronger and then we could finally dominate both the human world and Goddess world with your help, we can rule over everybody" He says

"No! I don't want that! I want to be with my brother and my team and my mate!" I yell at him

"They don't want you, when they find out who you truly are and who your parents really are, they'll be afraid of you" My father tells me

"No they won't Meli already knows and even my mate, and they both accepted me" I yell back

"Yes, but what they don't know is that i'm the king of the Demons, and your mother is the Queen of the Goddesses. You are more powerful than what you think, even more powerful than your brothers and the Ten Commandments, they will never love you for who you truly are" He says

I then see flashes of images of them not accepting me and rejecting me for who I truly am. I see my brother and Mate turn their backs on me leaving me alone

"N-no they wouldn't do that" I say trying not to believe these images

"They will, this is a vision from the future, this will happen to you, they will all abandon you, but if you leave first you won't have to feel the pain of them leaving you, come my daughter" My dad says

More images appear of my brother and mate moving on with their lives without me

I start to cry and scream, "Whyyyyyyy!" as I fall to my knees and believe that this would actually happen to me

"Come with me and you won't have to experience that my daughter, I will accept you for who you are" My dad says

I think about it for a while and finally come to a decision, "I acce-" I get cut off when I hear a voice yell

"(y/n) Come back to us we need you!" 


"(Y/n) I need you! Come bak to me!"


They love me, they won't do that to me

I get angry as I realize that my father tried to manipulate me with lies

I feel my power increase from hearing them call out to me

"They love me and they always will, no matter who I am!" I yell as I unleash all my power out

"Nooooo!" I hear my father say 

I hear something cracking and then all of a sudden I was out standing on a field of grass

I had my Demon and Goddess form out in all my glory

I look and see Meli and Ban fighting and Elizabeth was crying with her sister in her arms

I walk up to them and I bend down and I heal her sister, because she still wasn't dead just out cold

Elizabeth looks at me and get a shocked look on her face

I stand up and walk to where my bro and mate were fighting

They get knocked down

I can't think straight I just knew I had to protect Meliodas, Ban, Elizabeth, and my team

I was lost, out of control of my powers, I was an animal covered with my demon marking because of my fathers demon blood (Kind of like this:

I was lost, out of control of my powers, I was an animal covered with my demon marking because of my fathers demon blood (Kind of like this:

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