Christmas Special

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Your P.O.V.

I wake up to my kids jumping on the bed trying to wake me up so they can open their presents since it's Christmas.

"Okay okay, I'm up" I say groggily as I get up from bed and was tackled by my three little munchkins 

"Mommy, can we open our presents now?" Sting asks

"No Sting, not yet, we have to eat breakfast first then we have to wait for your uncle's and Aunt's and Nieces and Nephews to come as well" I say

"Awww, but whyyyy mommy?" Rou asks

"Because we're a family and we need to wait for each other" I say

"Ok mommy" My little Elaine says

"Good, now lets go eat some breakfast that your daddy made" I say as I finished dressing 

We walk to the kitchen and I see my handsome husband in his apron cooking breakfast for us

I walk up to him and hug him from behind and kiss him on the neck and say, "Goodmorning honey" as I continue to leave trail of kisses on his neck

"Mmmm if you continue doing that babe I won't be able to stop myself and have some dessert before breakfast if you know what I mean~" He says smirking as he turns around to see me

I smirk back and say, "Maybe after breakfast" with a wink in the end and I walk away 

Ban comes into the dining room and puts the food on the table and we all start to eat

When we finished eating everybody else came and I let them in our house 

Meli was with Elizabeth, who was holding her Twins, one boy and one girl

Merlin and Escanor finally got together and they were expecting a baby and Merlin finally confessed that Arthur was Merlin and Escanor's son, but Merlin erased Escanor's memory so he wouldn't remember

Next was Diane and King, who were also expecting a baby

Sadly, Gowther was still single so he was by himself, but he gets really happy to be with all of us and take care our kids

I led them all to the living room where we have our tree and all the presents under 

The rest put their presents under the tree as well

Once everybody was gathered in the living room I spoke up

"I'm so happy that all of you are here to celebrate Christmas as a family" I say

"Of course! We are family!" Diane says

"Okay here" I say as I give the sins their presents and of course Elizabeth as well

They all open it and they loved what they got 

The next few minutes were all of giving and opening gifts as well as our children 

After cleaning up the mess of all the presents Ban announced, "I still have one more gift left"

We all look at him and he walks up tp me and holds my hands in his and then he kneels down and reaches into one of his pockets with one of his hands and pulls out a small box and he says, "(Y/N), I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you forever with our kids and be a family, will you merry me"

He opens the ring box and I see a beautiful ring that was engraved and had our birthstones

I smile with tears in my eyes and I say, "Yes, a million times yes" 

He puts the ring in my finger and he gets up and kisses me and I kiss him back 

After we separate everybody congratulate us and are happy for us 

"Okay I also have one more gift left" I say as I get everybody's attention

I smile and I use my magic to let them see 

I project an image from inside my belly and they can see 4 small figures

At first they were all confused and then that's when they realized what it was 

"Your pregnant!" Everybody yells 

I nod and they all come and hug me and then they let me go and I turn to see Ban still standing in his spot shocked 

He got out of shocked state and then he smiles and turns to look at me with tears in his eyes and he comes up to me and hugs me and says, "We're having 4 babies?"

I smile and say, "Yes, we are"

"Man, we're going to have our hands full with 7 kids" Ban says

Everybody laughs and I say, "Don't worry we have each other and the team to help out, but we're definitely going to need a bigger house" 

Everybody laughs and we all just keep talking and spending a wonderful Christmas day

I love our family and wish that we grow into a bigger happy family

The End.

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