The Heroes

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Your P.O.V.

The sins are attacking our father but they're not even leaving a scratch on him

I just needed a little bit more rest and then i'll be good to finish this

'I'm doing a plan, it should be enough time for you to get your full strength back to attack father' Meli says to me

'Alright brother be safe' I say

He looks at me and smirks and says 'I always am'

He then tells Gowther to spread the word

"Tap, broadcast" Gowther says and he uses his magic 

I can see Meli's plan in my head

'That's a stupid plan brother you might get killed' I tell him

'Don't worry, I won't, I promise' he assures me

"Alright everybody lets do this!" Meli says as he disabled his powers

"You disabled your powers, what do you think you're doing?" Our father says

Meli starts to attack our father and the holy knights and sins attack the both of them so my brother can absorb all their magic power to do a revenge counter

"Its can't be" Our father says

"Oh yea, Revenge counter!" Meli yells as he unleashes his power

He attacks our father with the magic and it hits him

"I cannot be defeated! Not by the likes of you!" Our father scream 

The magic explodes and the both of them fall to the floor

Meli is badly injured as I walk to him 

I put my hand on his shoulder and say, "Thank you for stalling, I can do the rest from here"

He nods and smiles at me

I walk towards our father who is laying on the floor badly injured and not being able to move or defend himself

"This is good-bye father, i'm sure we'll see each other in the future, but today would be your last day here on earth" I say as I finally arrive in front of my father

"(Y/N) I just wanted you to rule beside me" He croaks out

"Too bad, I won't be ruling beside you, because I'll be the one ruling the Demons not you" I say darkly 

I bend down and punch a hole on his chest and I grab his heart with my hand

"I will be ruler of the Demons now, got that?!" I say darkly as my Demon side wants to escape 

He looks at me shocked and then I say, "Ruler of the Demons transfer"

I can feel my father's position as ruler of the Demons transfer to me and the power is overwhelming, but I can't let it take over my entire soul or i'll be evil forever

I focus on my goddess side and all the good in me, my love for my team, my brother, my mate, and my baby 

I start to glow a bright white light, which consumes me with warmth and love to overpower the darkness from taking me over 

Once the power transfer finished our father was dead and back to the Demon realm

I stand up and I can feel my magic power overloading like if i'm going to explode

"Why did you do that (y/n)? You know your body won't be able to physically handle the amount of power you have within you. You can explode from power overload!" Meli says angry at me

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now