The Babies are Coming!

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Your P.O.V.

It's been 5 months since the fight with your father 

Everybody was together in the tavern enjoying themselves

You were in the kitchen with Ban cooking some dinner

You feel arms wrap around your waist to your protruding belly 

You smile and turn your face to see Ban

"Hey babe~" He says as he pecks my lips

I smile and say, "Hey Love"

"Here, let me finish the food, go and spend time with the others" He says as he takes over 

"Okay, thank you" I say as I peck his lips 

"Maybe you can thank me later in our bedroom~" He says smirking 

I smirk back and say, "We'll see if i'm in the mood to"

I walk away and join the others

"Wow (y/n) you're so huge already, it doesn't look like you're 5 months along" Elizabeth says

"Well I do have 3 babies growing in me" I say laughing

I get this sudden pain on my lower stomach and I put my hand there and groan

Meli runs to me and worriedly says, "Are you okay"

"Yea, it was just the baby kicking" I say because it's happened before

Meli didn't look convinced, but shrugged it off 

"Here sit down" He says as he lets me sit 

Everybody else sits in their designated seats as well

Ban then comes in and puts the food in the center of the table 

He pulls out the chair next to me and sits down

Everybody started to serve their plates 

Merlin was talking to Gowther 

Elizabeth was talking to Meli 

King was talking to Diane 

Ban was talking to Hawk 

I was enjoying watching them 

Another pain shot through my stomach but I ignored it and kept eating

After a minute it hit me again, but worse

I guess Meli saw me flinch in pain and says, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Um, I-I don't know" I say as I clench my stomach as another pain shoots through me

The next one came within a few seconds and it was so much worse that I screamed in pain

Everybody stopped talking and looked at me

Ban right away asked me, "What's wrong? Is it the babies?"

"I uh, it hurts so much like if i'm going into labor, but i'm only 5 months along" I say worriedly

Merlin stands up and comes walking to me

"May I?" She asks for permission to put her hand on my stomach 

I just not because I was in too much pain to say anything

She places her hand on my stomach and closes her eyes and then I feel some sort of magic coming from her hand

She opens her eyes a second later and says, "Your babies are fully grown, you're going into labor, I'm guessing because you're Half Demon and Half Goddess and with Ban's powers your babies fully developed in 5 months" 

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