A Touching Reunion

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Background Storyline

So i'm changing things around here, so basically when you were a kid and with the goddesses they sent you to the fairy kingdom for an entire week and you met Elaine there and you guys became inseparable. Then one day a man Named Ban came seeking for the fountain of eternal life. He never got to drink it and became your guys's friend, but you had a slight crush on him. One day a demon came and attacked. You tried to help, but couldn't and well basically Ban was dying, Elaine already died, and you were still alive so you gave Ban the drink. Then you altered his memories so he can remember it differently and he left. You killed the demon and then the goddesses came and picked you up. You will sometimes visit Elaine at necropolis.)

Your P.O.V.

I wake up from a nightmare and I am dripping with sweat and my head hurts

I look outside the window and see that the sun still hasn't risen 

I get out of bed and take a change of clothes and went to the lake to take a dip

~Le time skip~

I'm heading back to the tavern to make some breakfast because i'm hungry

I get in and I start to make Pancakes with sausage, bacon, hashbrown, and eggs

"Hey Hawk wake everybody up to come eat breakfast" I tell Hawk

Hawk walks away and then I hear a loud thud on the floor and then I hear Hawk say, "Out of bed you lazy butts! Come and get your breakfast!"

I set up the dining table for all of us to eat

I see Elizabeth come down first with Meliodas trailing behind her staring at her ass

'Better watch out Meli' I tell Meliodas

'Don't worry bout me sis, and what's up with the nickname?' Meli says back

'I don't know, I just like it' I tell him

"Mmmm everything smells delicious (y/n)" Elizabeth says

"Thanks Elizabeth" I smile back at her

Meliodas and Elizabeth sit down next to each other and start to dig in and I start to dig in as well

I hear Elizabeth then start talking to Hawk about not tying Meliodas too hard with the rope

I chose to zone them out and have a conversation with my Wolf

'Hey you awake?' I ask

'Of course i'm awake, if you're awake we're all awake' My Wolf says

'Alright just making sure' I reply back

'So what did ya want to talk about?' My wolf asks

'About the whole Mating Season' I say

'What about it?' 

'So I know we have to like consummate our mating bond or whatever, but what happens after we like bond' I ask

'Well thats easy once you guys have bonded, you guys will be one with each other. Basically Ban's sin the Fox will live in your head as well as I will live in Ban's head with his sin. You guys will be able to feel each others emotions and will be able to telepathically talk to each other' My wolf explains

'Ok then thanks' I say as I get out of the conversation in my head 

I come out just in time to see Ban walking in and sitting down on a stool next to the bar 

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now