A Reader of Books

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Your P.O.V

You wake up to sunlight hitting your eyes

"Ughhhh" you groan out as you turn away from the sunlight and hide your face on something warm, but kind of hard 

You sniff and smell something so good

You look and see Ban laying next to you naked with his arm around your waist

You look and see that your naked as well and then you start to remember what happened between the two of you last night

You start to blush and hide your face in Ban's neck

I hear Ban wake up and say, "Goodmorning~ Princess~" with his husky voice

"Goodmorning" I reply back as I look up at his face

He's smiling at me and I can't help but blush

He smirks and says, "Did ya have fun last night~"

I blush even more and then I smirk and say, "Maybe"

"Oh maybe?" He says acting offended 

"I don't quite remember, will you like to show me what happened?" I say smirking

He blushes a little and the he smirks and says, "Gladly"

He then shows me exactly what happened last night


We just finished breakfast and just arrived somewhere, but I didn't pay attention because I felt sick in my stomach and left to go throw up in the restroom

Once I finished I go outside

I see Meliodas waving Elizabeth off with Hawk by her side

I then see Diane sleeping on the ground next to her Gideon, her Sacred Treasure

I see King looking at her blushing


I then see Ban yawning from exhaustion

'Hmm I wonder why~?' I think smirking 

"Do I have to?" I hear Ban say 

"Yes, Ban and King, whoever catches the biggest gain is the winner" Meli says

Ban then perks up, ready for some competition 

"I got this" Ban says cracking his knuckles

I giggle and stand right next to him and I lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek 

He stops and looks at me, blushing a little bit

I put my arms around his neck and bend his head down a little bit so I can whisper in his ear

"If you win, we can do that thing you wanted to do to me last night, but I wouldn't let you~" I smirk

His face flushes all red and then he gets even more hyped up and then leaves to go win

King goes next as well and then Meli looks at me and mind-links me right before he leaves

'I heard that you know, and I heard you guys last night and this morning as well, geesh you guys are like rabbits' Meli tells me disgusted

'Haha, don't listen then brother' I smirk at him

'Are you guys even wearing protection?' He asks

'Ummm no why would we?' I ask 

'Because you can get pregnant' He says a matter-of-fact

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now