The Vaizel Fighting Festival!

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Your P.O.V.

"The first round will be the elimination round, the referee will be yours truly, love helm, The rules of this round are extremely simple! Knock your opponent out of this ring! Throwing them out is fine! Pushing too! or send them flying! As long as it's barehanded the 9 contenders still standing will move on to the finals. Now then, Let the throwing begin!" The announcer says

I see all the men start to run and attack each other as all of us, sins,  just stand there and watch whats happening around us

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look and its a creepy ass man, "I believe a pretty young thang like you don't belong here, how 'bout we leave and have some fun~"

I grab his hand and twist it so he can scream in pain and I kick him out the ring

'Hmph, that's what you get' my Wolf says

'When I saw that man touch you I was so ready to chop off his arm' I hear Ban tell me

'I know that's why I reacted first and did that to him, I only belong to you don't worry' I tell him as I wink at him

Then we all just casually punch or push people out, making sure we're pulling our punches

"Hey, (y/n) and Ban, Make sure you guys are pulling your punches on these guys" Meli says

"Obviously, Captain" The both of us reply

Ban then sees a guy with a red jacket and goes to him to steal it from him

'Ha, that's our mate' My wolf says

'Yea, that is' I reply

I then see a woman with a purple cloak and a Huge purple hat on, kick some ass

I felt a familiar magical presence coming from her so I focus on her magic and realize something

'Diane?' I mind link with the girl

'Wha? Who said that?' She replies back in her head

'Don't worry it's me (y/n), wow its really you, what happened?'

'It's a long story i'll explain later when I have the chance, alright?'


'Oh and please don't tell the others yet, I want to surprise them'

'Ok, your secret is safe with me'

"Lets see who is left in the ring" The announcer says

"5, 6, 7, 8?" Someone counts 

"What do we do now?" another man says

"There's still one more!" A man points to King who is floating on his pillow 

'Ha, that damn King and his chastiefold pillow'

We all went inside the building next to the fight to get our sticks to pair up for our fight

We all get our sticks and we're ready to see who we're going to fight

"Alright, the first Match-up is Griamore V.S. Matrona!"

"Hey look its that girl from earlier" King says

"I've never heard of her, but its a big world out there" Meli says

"The second Match-up is Howzer V.S. Taizoo!"

"I know him...Now I remember! He's a Holy Knight! I saw him with Gilthunder, lots of times" King says

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now