Despair Descends

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Ban's P.O.V.

All I can see is that Demon

'This Demon was cause of everything, the Demon I killed all those years ago in the Fairy King's Forest'

I got so lost in my thoughts of hatred that I didn't notice Hendrickson attack and it hit my stomach

"At least, I, Myself wield the red power of the Demon" Hendrickson says

"If the red Demon's powers is your only ace in your hole, your best bet is the fold and walk away from the table, BECAUSE I WAS THE ONE THAT KILLED THAT FREAK" I say as I attack Hendrickson

Hendrickson falls down in a deep crater I created 

I turn around and see the sins looking at me

"Ban..." King sayI just ignore him, pick up my weapon and use it to destroy what's left of the Demon 

"Ban, you really killed that thing 20 years ago?" King asks

"Who killed what and when isn't important" I say as I walk away from him and towards the hole

"Forget that, take a look of the size of this hole" Captain says

"I detect a slight breeze, which must mean theres a cave much further down" Gowther says

"Lets go" Captain says

"But, I don't think I can fit down there" Diane says

"No problem, you can stay up here and keep a lookout" Captain tells Diane

"Ok, but try to be careful guys" Diane yells as we jump in the hole

We finally land, but its really dark so we can't see anything

"Good news...Bad news...We made it down okay, but it's pitch dark" Captain says

"You can't seem to flick that booger can you Ban?" Gowther says as he sees what i'm doing

'Great so someone can see what we're doing'

"Great, I guess one of us can see" I say

"Spirit Chastiefol, Seventh Configuration, Luminosity" King says and a bright light lights up the darkness

I was finally able to flick my booger and it hits Captain in the head

"That thing of yours sure comes in handy huh?" Captain says

"A trail of blood" Gowther says

We start to follow it

After a while King says, "Who knew there was such a huge cave down here"

"I'm certain that the space itself has been here for thousands of years, but there is no indication and no one has entered for quite some time" Gowther says

"I guess what must have been down here is long gone" Captain says

"What is this place?" Captain says as we stop

"Captain!" King says alert

We all look forward and see Hendrickson standing 

"My gratitude, Fox Sin, Ban, for making this possible, if not for you I would have never been able to acquire the red Demon" Hendrickson says

I get so furious, but I hide it 

"I'm always happy to help" I say nonchalantly 

"Its been a long process. seeking bodies capable of withstanding it, for unlike the blood from the red Demon, this ones blood will bring instant death to anyone unlucky enough to receive it" Hendrickson says

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