The Holy Knight's Sword

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Your P.O.V.

Hawk's mom just arrived at a town as you were staring out the window. I hear Meliodas talking to Elizabeth downstairs about her working for him and wearing a Uniform.

I then hear him come upstairs and tell me, "Hey (Y/N), can you come downstairs for a minute?"

I turn around and tell him, "If this is about me becoming a waitress so you can make me wear that skimpy uniform then i'm good"

He slightly frowns and then says, "No I just want you to be our cook is that alright?"

"I'm fine with it as long as I don't have to wear that uniform" I say shrugging because i've cooked for myself before

"Alright then! I'll see you downstairs" He says with his cheery smile and he goes downstairs

I sigh then I walk downstairs to see Elizabeth standing there with her hands behind her back saying,"Excuse me Sir Meliodas, theres something i've been wanting to ask you"

"Hm?" He replies back

"The Seven Deadly Sins,  are you really that wicked? Are you all terrible criminals like the rest of the world says? And if you are. What awful crime did you commit?"

Before he can answer I say, "It's Eight Deadly Sins now and I don't know about the others, but I could be wicked if I want to be. As for the criminal part, I'm not a criminal and the others aren't either. People just misjudge us. I certainly didn't commit a crime and neither did Meliodas, so you shouldn't be agreeing or suggesting that otherwise if you're going to be with us"

I then walk out the tavern and sit on the edge of Hawk's mom snout.

"Hey Hawk's mom. I bet you're pretty tired" I tell her

She then stops and makes a noise with her snout. Good thing I didn't fall off.

I then hear Meliodas say, "We're here"

I look and see that we were at a village 

"This is our next well-spring of information, Vanya Village!"

Hawk's mom starts to dig so she can go underground.

We were on the ground now and Meliodas says, "I usually buy all my liquor wherever I can find it, but vanya stuff is special"

He starts to walk towards the Village

"Best water you can find here in this Village, and with the groot growing down by the river. It's used to brew Vanya Ale. It's got fans far and wide" Meliodas says as he walks towards the bridge with Elizabeth trailing right behind him ignoring what he's saying.

"Well it use to. Now those famous waters of theirs are bone dry" Hawk says as they all stop to look over the bridge into the now bone dry river.

'Hmmm I wonder what happened here' I think to myself

'Someone did this. I can feel their power running underneath the ground' my wolf says 

I saw the others start to walk away towards the Village and I follow far behind.

We then see a whole bunch of Villagers gathered around one spot of the Village where I can sense that Magical power.

'So that is the cause of the dry river'

'Yes it is' My wolf says

"Ahaha Just look at the people out here in the square. Thank it's some kind of festival?" Elizabeth says cheerily 

'Oh sweetie do you even have a brain up there' My wolf says

I giggle and Meliodas looks at me with a confused look, but he just shrugs it off and walks towards the Villagers

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now