The First Sacrifice

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Your P.O.V. 

You go back to the dungeon and notice Hawk there freaking out 

He then runs to the door and knocks it down

I stay there just waiting for him to finish

He comes back with his butt bleeding 

'Hah thats funny' my wolf says

A door then squeaks open and a soldier comes out, but then Hawk knocks him out with a special move

"Alright, now lets beat it" Hawk tells me

"I guess so" I say as I follow Hawk to wherever he's leading me

Ban's P.O.V.

We were running and then I hear, "Don't let Meliodas use full counter! Aim for a direct hit!"

They start to combat us, but we're faster and stronger than them

"Don't think you can beat us without using magical powers dumbasses, of course even with them you'll still lose. Jeez these guys don't let up do they?"

"Looks like we're gonna have to wipe them all off after all" Captain says

"There's a simpler way" Gowther says as he passes between me and Captain

"Sacred treasure, Double Bow Harlet" Gowther says as he uses his magic

"Seriously?!" Captain says 

"Where the hell was he hiding a sacred treasure?" I ask 

"Now rewrite light!" He says as he lets go of his magic arrow, which pierces all the holy knights

'What the hell? Nothing happened to them'

"Gowther you know those arrows didn't do a thing, don't ya buddy" I say

All the holy knights then started to run towards us saying that they missed us

"Huh?" both Captain and I said

They attacked us in a bunch of hugs

"Hey, uh Gowther, what's going on here man?" Captain asks

"It's actually a very simple trick, the holy knights now view us as loved ones they haven't seen in a long time, stopping them all in their tracks" Gowther says

"So you rewrote their memories huh?" Captain asks

"Shhh it's nothing more than a stop gap, once they notice the discrepancies in their memories, they'll return to normal, moreover the memory of being under the spell will be deleted" Gowther finishes

Both me and Captain go up to him and say, "Don't you ever use that on us, got it!"

"Roger that" he says

We finally sneak out from the holy knights and are in the capital hiding from the others

"Okay, we all managed to get in the capital, but what are we suppose to do from here?" Captains says

"We can't just recklessly start battling in the city" Gowther says

'I really wanted to fight'

"Man, I was really looking forwards to knocking some heads together" I say

"With all these holy knights around, trying to find (y/n) could be a real pain in the ass" Captain says

'Hey, I can feel you guys here, i'm in the castle, locked up in a dungeon' I hear (y/n)'s voice in my head

"You think we should head to the castle? Who knows it might be like one of those fairy tails where the princess is locked up in an underground dungeon" I suggest

"Don't you mean on top of the tower?" Gowther says

'Dammit Gowther and your facts'

"Castle huh?" Captain says 

We then start to run towards the castle when we hear a big bang

"What was that?" I ask

"Judging by the sound and vibration, it's half a mile away, between the south and palace gates" Gowther says

"Come to think of it, weren't we sensing someone with crazy magical powers?" I ask remembering about it

"Its faint, but i'm fairly positive it's Hendrickson" Gowther says

"Enough talk lets go!" Captain says as he starts to run

"Huh? you mean we're not heading for the castle now?" I ask 

"If we're gonna rescue (y/n), the fastest way is to take them all out" Captain suggests

"It probably be best if we followed him" Gowther suggest

'Ugh fine'

We then start to go follow him

After a while we felt the ground shake and then we see one of Diane's magic

"Captain look" Gowther says

"Yea, thats Ground Gladius, Diane must be here then" Captain says

"What's she doing in the capital that seems kind of weird" I say

"However, this magical power definitely belongs to her" Gowther says

"So what's going to be our next move captain?" I ask

"Hm" Captain hums as he ponders over my question

"I'll help her, you make saving (y/n) your top priority captain" Gowther says

Gowther then starts to head Diane's direction

Me and Captain continue to run towards the castle and that's when we hear one of the holy knights announcing about us 'Attacking' them

"Damn, that bastard" I say 

We keep running 

'Don't worry (y/n) i'm coming to save you...and our baby'

Your P.O.V.

You suddenly feel Diane's magical power here and you knew that she made it here

After a while you hear in your head 'Don't worry (y/n) i'm coming to save you...and our baby'

'So he knows?'

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