The Fearsome Pursuer

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Your P.O.V. 

You're carrying Ban on your back while he's still passes out

You're walking back to the guys because you decided to give Elaine and King some time to talk alone

'Sigh, he's drooling now great' I tell my Wolf

'He looks so cute sleeping though' My Wolf replies

I get out of my conversation when I see Elizabeth and Hawk running towards me

"What's wrong?" I ask

"There's a Holy Knight named Guila trying to kill you guys!" Hawk says

"Ok, you two keep running ahead and tell King to come help me fight this Holy Knight" I say as I start to run towards Captain

I keep running until I hear Ban wake up

I stop and he picks his head up confused and then he sees me and says, "So were you ever going to return my memories if I didn't follow you or Elaine didn't say anything?" 

"W-well maybe, but that's not important right now, Captain and Diane are in trouble by a Holy Knight" I say as I let him down

"Alright, but this doesn't mean you're off the hook we'll talk later" He says

"Alright we need to go" I say as I start to run

Ban starts to run next to me and then we see a Holy Knight knock Meli and Diane down

'Imma hide for a surprise attack, distract her' Ban I tell Ban

She was about to attack when Ban stops her

"Sorry about that~ Gotta stop you right there~" Ban tells the Holy Knight

"Ban!" Meli says

"Ban, the Fox Sin, would you kindly let go of my rapier" The Holy Knight says

'I can feel that she has some demon blood in her' I ask my Demon

'You're right she does have demon blood in her' my Demon replies

"Hey I take offense to that Lady~ I'm not touching anything of yours~" Ban says as he uses his magic to pull on the rapier more

"Oh I see, this is your magical ability, Snatch. Very well i'll give you something more appropriate for a sneaky thief like yourself" Guila says

A fire ball them shoots from the rapier towards Ban's handsome face

I get so angry and lose control on myself that I accidentally let my Demon, Goddess, and Wolf form go altogether 

 Before the fire ball hits Ban I moved like the speed of light with my wings and shield Ban with my wings

The fire ball hits me, but doesn't affect me

"You dare hit my Mate!" I yell 

I didn't even give her a chance to talk back because I attacked her and keep beating her even though she's knocked out already

I was so full of rage, I couldn't contain it, I wanted to see more blood

I felt someone grab my hands and forcefully pull me away

I try to break free and continue

"(Y/N)! Stop this now!" I hear a voice, but ignore it

"What's wrong with her?" I hear a Melodic voice say

"Ban! Only you can stop her, you need to go up to her and tell her everything is alright and just try to relax her" I hear the voice again

I then feel the person who has me let go and then another pair of hand capture me. I felt tingling sensations from where our skin touches

"(y/n) look at me, I know you're still in there, please come back to me" I hear the voice say

I look them in the eyes and thats when everything hits me all at once 

I get control back to myself and I trap my Demon and Goddess back together in their cage

"Sorry" Is all I mutter because I black out

But before I hit the ground I felt arms hold me and I felt at peace

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now