Even if it Costs me my Life

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Your P.O.V

You were walking with hawk down the very long tunnel

"We must be down in the basement where the dungeons are" Hawk says

'No duh, sherlock'

"Yea it looks like we are" I say 

I then sense dark magic coming from one of the dungeon doors

I walk up to it and look inside 

I see a woman in a black dress 

Gowther's P.O.V.

I made it to whereDiane is and I see a holy knight use attack magic on another Holy knight, which I presume was protecting Diane

I go and save her before the magic hits her 

"Wait a minute!" the holy knight with green hair says

"Who's that" Another holy knight with blond hair says

"Who do you think?" I say as I have the holy knight woman in my arms

Your P.O.V.

"Hello?" I say as I see the woman

"Who are you?" She asks

"None of your concern, my question to you though is who are you?" I say

"I'm Princess Margarit, now who are you?" She demands

'Oh she's Elizabeth's sister huh? I guess i'll tell her who I am'

"I'm (y/n) the Eighth Deadly Sin and I know your sister, Elizabeth, and yes she's okay don't worry about her" I say

"Oh um okay" She says

"I can sense that you're under some sort of dark magic spell. Is that whats holding you back? do you want me to remove it?" I ask

She looks at me surprised and then she smiles and says, "Its alright, everything will work out in the end" 

"Alright then" I say as I can sense that mage is coming

I put the illusion back on and she appears 

She talks about some stuff, I act my part as being Elizabeth

Hawk then attacks her, but then she transports him somewhere else

I pretend to knock out and she picks me up and I listen to their conversation

'So it was her that put the spell on the princess and probably someone else'

King's P.O.V.

You finally made it to the capitol and was looking for Diane

You finally see her, but then she was hit by ice 

She falls back and the holy knight uses his magic to hit her again

I flew fast enough to get there just in time to stop his magic from piercing Diane

I went down furious with tears in my eyes

"Who did this?Who did such terrible things to Diane? Was it you! Or you!" I yell

"It wasn't them, those two were protecting me, so please don't blame them okay?" She asks me weakly 

I get angry and I put my hand in a fist and I walk to the holy knight man and I start socking his armored chest

"But you didn't protect her at all! Quit messing around! Say you're sorry!" I yell as I keep hitting him

"Hey! Stop!" The holy knight says she he grabs my arm to stop hitting him 

"Why? why is it I can never ever protect the people I care about?" I say crying my eyes out 

"It's because you're consistently late, in fact you were always too late, just like that time the fairy king's forest vanished all that time ago, or that time 700 years ago, and today as well, cause the death of this giant girl will be on your hands!" The other holy knight says as he tries to attack me

"Shut up!" I yell as I use my sacred treasure at him

~Le short time skip~

I was beaten up and trapped by helbram as he was hitting Diane with his magic, but I hand a trick up my sleeve still left 

Ban's P.O.V.

Me and Captain were running until we saw something happening where Diane was

We stopped and looked over there

After a while I said, "Captain"

"I know, Just when Diane and Gowther's magical power started to fade, I can sense that King's power was rising up to unbelievable levels" He says 

King's P.O.V.

As the dust faded away I see that my magic barrier worked 

"Impossible that attack had no effect at all? Did you forgo attacking me and defending yourself from the beginning just so you can pour every last bit of your magical power to saving that Giant refusing to die!" Helbram says

I stand up and say, "Helbram, 700 years ago, I made a promise with you, lets fulfill it now" 

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