Pent-Up Feelings

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~Continuation from the previous chapter~

The three of us walk into the ring

"Hold on! Having a weapon is against the rules!" The announcer tells Meli

"Oh, this thing? It's only for show" Meli says as he takes it out for the announcer to see

'You and I both know that it is something more greater than that' I tell Meli giving him a look

"Oh, in that case i'll allow it" The announcer says

Meli gives me a look and says, 'I know'

The announcer then starts to introduce all of us 

"Its about time huh? Guess we should get down to it" Ban says stretching his neck

"Then lets go!" Meli says

"This is gonna be fun~" I say in a sing song voice, cuz i'm ecstatic the three of us are finally gonna fight

~End from the previous chapter~

"Time for the match to begin!" The announcer says

"Sure would be nice if we had more room to move around" Ban says

"Hahaha" Me and Meli both laugh remembering one of our past memories when we both fought once in a tight space 

"What's with the laughing? You guys really looking forward to fighting?" Ban asks 

I then use my magic to create a magical barrier around me so they can't use their magic on me, especially Ban with his "Snatch" powers 

"I was just thinking back to the old days. We had about this much space then, didn't we?" Meli tells Ban

"The same goes for us Meli~" I tell him

"It's been a while~ Which time are you talking about?" Ban asks

"Don't worry, cuz you'll remember it soon enough" Meli tells Ban as he speeds up to Ban and punches him on the face

"Oh yea, I think I remember now" Ban says as he's flying from the punch

'Ouch, that looks like it hurt' I tell my wolf

'Yea, I hope our mate is fine' my wolf replies

'It's gonna take a lot more than that for Ban to go down'

I was so distracted that I didn't notice Meli heading towards me to attack me, but I dodge it in time and hit him back

Before Ban falls out the ring he lands on his feet and grabs Meli and throws him towards the ground, but then Meli puts his hands and he grabs Ban with his legs around his neck and throws him into the ground.

I decide to join the fight and grab both of them and throw them into the ground

It kept on going like that for a while and I was getting bored.

We all stop fighting and look at each other physically tired just a bit

I use my powers on the both of them and made them forget how to do hand-to-hand combat

"That's not fair (n/n)~" Ban says as he noticed what I did

"Who said this game had to be fair?" I reply

I then notice that Ban and Meli decide to team up, by letting Ban distract me while Meli will do a surprise attack.

I play along and continue to talk to Ban

Then Meli attacks me, but I was prepared and I defended myself and I went on the offensive side and hit Meli

We were going at it for a while and then I notice that I started to feel drained and started to slow down as well as Meli 

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